Page 41 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 41

                                 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Corporals’ Mess
    Unfortunately, it has not been a very sociable year for the Cpls mess due to the COVID-19 restrictions. However, this has not stopped the admin that happens behind closed doors.
New Year, new committee. As the old PMC has promoted into his new role, a new PMC has been appointed by the RSM. Whilst fulfilling the CO’s intent of flooding the RAC with quality instruc- tors from the Regiment, the Mess had to reform a new committee that fully supported each other and are keen to get their hands dirty. PMC (Cpl Pugh), PEC (Cpl Bernard), Treasurer (Cpl Casey/ LCpl Purvis) Bar Manager and Wines Member (LCpl Lewis/LCpl De-Bie), Property Manager (Cpl May), Fire NCO (LCpl Simms). All the names listed have worked incredibly hard during these times to ensure as soon as we are able to open again, we will be able to have a fun and safe function.
It became apparent that during all of our previous years of working hard and partying harder that the mess was due a deep clean! We utilised this time of the mess being shut to get our good friends of ESS to come in and clean everything. We voted it in, and turns out that mess members are more than happy to employ someone externally to come in and clean the mess, who would have thought it? The Cpls Mess is now spotless!
Mess members have been proactive in sorting property out and have found some brilliant photos of some of the “old and bold” and are currently in the process of getting photos framed. This is all in the hope that in the New Year we can invite the hierarchy for a socially distanced pint,
Summer Ball 2020
they will be able to relive some of their memories in the Cpls Mess.
Quotes are in the pipeline to renovate the rooms where we spend most of our time. We are keen on the
idea of having more tradi-
tional theme, all walls will
be your standard Army
magnolia, the PAD’s will feel
right at home. But also with
a QDG blue border around
hip height to represent the
stable belt.
People have commented on the Mess being dark, so in line with the painting, new blinds have been purchased and are awaiting fitting.
The Cpl’s mess has
supported the LAD in this
year’s charity event. The LAD
does a fantastic job inside and outside of the Mess. This year the LAD celebrated St Eligius Day by conducting physical and engineering tasks. The Eligius 588 challenge marks the patrons birth year and plays a vital role in raising money for the REME charity.
Christmas is cancelled! I know, horrible to say, this will be the first year we have
The Cpls’ Mess flex their financial might
seen the mess not opening for Christmas day. We are absolutely gutted. When the new year arrives and guidelines permit, we will find a day where we can invite the
Troopers and have a delayed Christmas Day.
On a good note, because the treasurers have done such a fantastic job on ensuring people are on top of their payments, we were able to have a massive Christmas Prize draw. We spent £15,000 on prizes which gave the odds of a 50% chance of winning a prize. Never has something like this been done. Rumour has it that LCpl Purvis is still shopping to this day.
COVID has obviously played havoc with our functions this year. However, in the new year we are anticipating being able to open the Cpls’ Mess as a bar in line with Government Guidelines. Everyone is looking forward to when we can socialise again as a regiment and I foresee it being over a few
  We spent £15,000 on prizes which gave the odds of a 50% chance of winning a prize
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