Page 19 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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The 2022 Judges exams were held in Wales and, for the first time, in Ireland which was great news. Congratulations to our eight new judges who passed the exam which was held on 1st October 2022:
Gareth Davies (Denbighshire), Gerry Lewis (Mid Glamorgan), John Edwards (Denbighshire), John Harford (Co. Dublin), Margaret Prendergast (Co. Mayo), Martin Lawlor (Co. Laois), Reggie Mitchel (Co. Westmeath) and Sean Egan (Co. Kerry) were all delighted to have received their congratulations letter, certificate and NVS judge pin badges through the mail. Well done to you all for the effort and hard work you have put in to achieve this.
The judge’s exam comprises of a theory paper, plus a practical exam containing eight individual classes to judge, two collections to judge and a deliberate fault class where the candidates are required to identify the faults on 3 different vegetables and how they could be prevented.
Well done to the remaining of candidates 2022, who each passed one of
the above parts of the exam.
We encourage you to work
with a mentor to assist you in gaining the extra experience required to take you over the line in 2023.
A big thank you to
all who provided veg, monitored the theory test, helped set up the practical exhibits and collections, well done to Raymond Higgins for setting up the exam in Ireland
and thanks to all who pre- judged the exhibits on the day and, of course, Jim Williams, Chairman of the
Judges examination board, along with the judges panel
for setting the exam and marking the papers, a great team effort and a great result.
For your information, every
year, it is planned that each of the five branches hold the judge’s exam on the same day (assuming there is a sufficient number of candidates in each area). The 2023 judges exam will be held on Oct 7th. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming an NVS judge, contact your local branch Secretary or any Branch Committee member or Jim Williams (contact details on page 3).
New NVS Judges for 2022
Membership renewal – manual payment only
For those members who pay their membership subscription manually i.e., by cash or cheque, you will find a loose membership renewal form within your magazine.
For most of our members who joined the NVS a few years ago, your membership renewal will most likely be due on Jan 1st for the year of 2023 but as our membership subscription is
now a 12-month rolling year, our newer members subscription renewal will be due a year from when you took it out.
You can double check from your membership card details or by checking via the website (if you have set up a user account) or you can easily double check with your membership Secretary (see contact details on page 5 of this Magazine).
Should you wish to continue to renew manually, then that’s totally fine, but
we would politely ask you to consider switching to Direct debit or card payment for 2023 via our website as it makes life
easier and less work for our volunteer membership Secretary’s.
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