Page 21 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 21
Seed Trialists
Following up on some of our seed trialists, feedback, we would like to share some of it with you.
From the Marshall’s seed trialists, Vanessa Jones from Kent had reported that her Crokini tomatoes were small tomatoes with excellent flavour and prolific. Venessa confirmed that they worked well for her growing both indoors and outdoors. She found them easy plants to grow with no issues or disease and would definitely grow them again. The Boston Beetroot that Vanessa grew, although slow to germinate (direct sown in May and June, she had a very high yield and has been harvesting them throughout the year and would definitely grow them again too.
Bridget Thomas reported that once germination happened back in April,
her Boston beetroot romped away, and succession sowing gave her beetroot from late June and Bridget was
stems with small fruits. Bridget didn’t think the flavour was exceptional. She made
lots of green tomato chutney because
of slow ripening. Bridget’s tomato plants were grown outdoors so it would be interesting to hear how others got on with greenhouses. Bridget reported that she would grow again but under cover because she felt the temperatures in Chester slowed initial growth. Bridget really enjoyed carrying out the seed trials and says
she took more care of the beetroot and tomatoes than she did of her husband!
Russ Giddings also trialled the Crokini tomato and after varying results starting the seeds off in different potting composts his plants did all eventually catch up during the growing season and all produced a prolific crop of cherry tomatoes. Although not initially the best tasting of tomatoes they did ripen well on the vine and eventually
Peter Booker from Doncaster had great success with his trial Kiewa bio-colour sweetcorn. He had planted them out in May in a raised bed with 12 ounces of blood,
fish and bone per square yard and then let them do their own thing until harvesting throughout August. Peter reported that
the corn was very easy to propagate and grow and that they were rewarded with over 70 very full cobs from 35 plants. We were very impressed with the flavour and colour of the cobs as were the many friends and neighbours who we asked to taste
test. Peter also grew the Orange Paruche Tomato and whilst he had some early issues with plants with deformed leaves (possibly something from his greenhouse perhaps he thinks), the two plants that grew on produced a small crop of very tasty tomatoes. Peter reports that he would look to try these again, but in a different greenhouse to provide a fair assessment.
The DT Brown Seed trials were carried out, albeit later in the year owing to seed delivery issues. Graham Roberts from the Peak District, has also enjoyed carrying out these trials, reported that he had
still harvesting at the end of October. Bridget reported that it was great sweet tasting beets with soft skin, perfect for roasting and grating into salads. Grown in a raised bed with plenty of organic matter, Bridget watered sporadically and had grown them with spinach, chard, and carrots with no problem (all her seed was sown outdoors in situ and no feed was used).
Bridget reported that it was great sweet tasting beets with soft skin, perfect for roasting and grating into salads
produced fine tasting tomatoes from July to September. Russ tried two different feeds – commercial and home made but noticed no difference in taste. Russ used them in salads and used to make cherry tomato sauce. The slightly thick skins did mean that some did retain their shape well
in the sauce. Overall, Russ would not rule out growing Crokini again, but they would not be his first choice.
Chris Barnard’s final verdict on the seed trial
Bridget planted out her
Crokini tomatoes back in
May in terracotta pots in sheltered position and used homegrown compost. Bridget used Nettle feed once a week. Cut off
at fourth truss (as packet said). Slow to fruit and slow to ripen but, my goodness they are prolific. Each truss had multiple
was that he was very happy with Crokini tomatoes, and they grew well in the hot conditions he had. Chris had a great crop of sweet tasting cherry tomatoes and reported that he will be growing Crokini tomato again next year.
Aubergine Patio Baby – mid-October – Graham Roberts
Aubergine Patio Baby – harvested mid-October – Graham Roberts
Boston Beetroot – Bridget Thomas
Sweetcorn Kiewa – July – Peter Booker
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