Page 65 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 65
Irish Section
Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit! Happy New Year!
Embarking on a new year provides an opportunity for reflection. In contrast to the previously challenging year, 2022 provided many positives particularly the triumphant return of our much-loved shows across Ireland, where it was such a joy to meet up with all our members in person again and showcase and exhibit our vegetables.
We had our AGM in Tullamore Show on August 14th and we elected our new committee as follows:
1 Year
Harold Lawlor FNVS
2 Year
2022/2023, 2023/2024
Raymond Higgins FNVS
2 Year
2022/2023, 2023/2024
Sean Egan
2 Year
2022/2023, 2023/2024
Michael Gordon FNVS
2 Year
2022/2023, 2023/2024
Tom Boyd
We have now established a strong presence in Ireland, our membership numbers are growing and our Facebook page is very popular. The quality of vegetables that are exhibited at the various shows around the country is improving every year. With a new committee now established, I have no doubt we will continue to grow.
Tullamore Show was the high point of 2022 with exhibitors travelling from all corners of Ireland. On the show bench, I had a very successful day retaining
the All-Ireland Potato Championship
with a dish of 6 Kerr Pinks and also winning the all-Ireland collection of vegetables competition. I was additionally awarded a prize for the most points in
the fruit, vegetable and potato classes. Congratulations to Margaret Prendergast, Co. Mayo on winning the Bord Bia – Best in Season competition. This is a relatively new competition and the quality and presentation of the 14 displays that had qualified for the final this year were fantastic.
The Onion All-Ireland was held in Virginia, Co. Cavan on August 24th. Congratulations to John Joe Mollen, Co. Offaly who won the competition with a top- quality dish of onion sets. John Joe is a top
grower and exhibitor and it was wonderful to see him finally winning his first All- Ireland Title.
Congratulations also to Sean Egan Co. Kerry winner of the our Onion competition at Moate Show at the end of August.
This competition was confined to NVS members. Each member had received a free packet of trial red onion seeds via their Simply Vegetables publication last year (supplier of seed medwynsofanglesey) and each exhibit required five red onions. The class was well supported and had 8 quality entries.
In September, I travelled to the UK to
the National Championships. I had the honour of judging some of the classes. It was a fantastic Show. Many thanks to our friends in the Midlands Branch for hosting a wonderful championship. At the AGM, I was elected National Vice Chair of the NVS which is a huge honour and privilege. I also picked up a fourth-place prize card for my peas which was a very welcome bonus!
We were delighted to have 8 candidates sit the National Vegetable Society judge’s exam on October 1st. I am immensely proud to have welcomed everyone to my home parish in South Roscommon where I hosted the inaugural NVS Judges exams in Ireland. Many thanks to all who helped on the day to make the event such a success. A sincere thanks to all members who provided vegetables, it was really was appreciated. A special word of thanks to our pre-judge, Brian Barnett who travelled from Co. Mayo, Laura Tully who took the role of invigilator for the theory paper and Kathleen Higgins who provided hospitality throughout the day.
Harold Lawlor and Medwyn Williams at Tullamore Show
JJ Mollen – Winner of the All Ireland Onion Championship (Accepted by his son)
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