Page 66 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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                                  NVS, Ireland Committee at Tullamore Show
We had a very positive members meeting in October. A worthwhile workshop to garner member feedback
was held which was hugely productive.
We have now set some objectives for the coming year. It was clear that to enable
us to have more events and meetings
we will need to raise more funds and the members voted to hold a fundraising draw throughout 2023 called the 200 club. The tickets are included with this magazine, and we would be grateful if all members could support us by selling some subscriptions.
We would like to thank all the members who have already paid membership fees for next year. As a reminder the fees for 2023 are as follows:
Looking forward, the NVS have prepared an exciting programme of winter ZOOM presentations. Please keep an eye on social media and on the website for further information and details on how you can register you intertest in attending. Like last year the talks will be recorded and added to the website library as a member only benefit.
Special Class for Falco Turnips
at Moate Show, 2023
Our Chair (Raymond) will once again generously sponsor a special class at Moate Agricultural Show at the end of August 2023. The class will be open to NVS members only. The class will be for a dish of 3 Falco Turnips grown from the free seeds kindly provided by DT Brown, to every member
with this magazine. This will be a new challenge for all our members to try.
National Vegetable Society Ireland – 200 Club
Our new “200 Club” has been established to provide additional funding for the society in Ireland. The name of the draw is the 200 Club regardless of the number of entries.
There will be 10 monthly draws. The
cost per entry is €10 and this will cover all monthly draws. The prize money is each month is dependent on how many 200 Club members we have in the club. Half the revenue generated goes towards the Irish NVS society and the half goes towards prize money fund. (1st prize is 75% of the prize money fund & 2nd prize is 25% of the prize money fund each month). Each entry will be allocated a unique number and all entries purchased in a calendar month will be included in the next month’s draw.
The draws will run from March to December. Winners will be notified by post
together with their prize, and the results will be published on the National Vegetable Society website as well as Simply Vegetables magazine.
The club flier is included in this magazine. We thank all our members in advance for their support of our new fundraising campaign.
5 New Irish NVS Judges
Congratulations to our 5 new NVS Judges who were successful in the recent Judges Examination.
• Sean Egan, Co. Kerry
• Margaret Prendergast, Co. Mayo • Martin Lawlor, Co. Laois
• Reggie Mitchell, Co. Westmeath
• John Harford, Co. Dublin
Well done to you all for the effort and
hard work you have put in to achieve this. We have now added your names and contact details to the official NVS judge’s directory and they will also be published in Irish Shows Association Annual Yearbook.
 Joint Membership i.e. couple
Junior Membership (up to the age of 16)
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Raymond Higgins and Margaret Prendergast – All Ireland Winners at Tullamore Show
Sean Egan – Winner of NVS Ireland Competition at Moate Show

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