Page 7 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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News from the Trustees
2022 AGM
Our National AGM was held on Friday
23rd of September 2022 at the Perry Suite, Three Counties Showground, Malvern. Our Chair Sandra Hall opened the meeting and welcomed the approximately 90 members that were present before delivering her report. Our president Medwyn Williams addressed the AGM and asked members to stand to observe a minute’s silence
to remember of Her Majesty The Queen and fellow members of the society who had sadly passed away in that last year. The minutes on the 2021 AGM and
audited accounts had been published
in July Simply Vegetables Magazine and copies had been circulated prior to the meeting. With no comments received,
both were accepted and agreed from the floor with a show of hands alongside the continuing appointment of the independent examiner Cutler & Co. Chartered Certified accountants, Leeds.
Fiona Shenfield had prepared the Annual Report of the Trustees, which she delivered to the AGM. Appreciation was extended
to Ian Stocks and Gareth Cameron and their long, loyal supporters Linda Stocks and Jacqueline Cameron in recognition of their work for the society. Appreciation was also extended to Marie Jane Roberts who has stepped down as Trophy Secretary after 10 years’ service. The Election of national positions were agreed en-block with a show of hands. The new positions
of change for 2022/23 were agreed by the members present which consisted of Raymond Higgins elected as Vice Chair.
Proposals to changes NVS rules were agreed by all including the creation of a new officer role: Sponsorship Manager. The post of Webmaster remains vacant, and the Trustees would be happy to hear from any members who feel able to help with this role. Sandra Hall thanked everyone
for attending and closed the meeting and the presentation of trophies and awards followed the AGM.
Post AGM Meeting Update
Following the AGM, the position of Assistant Secretary and Sponsorship Manager remained vacant, but we are delighted to report that Michelle Nixon has since been co-opted onto the board as Assistant Secretary and Chris Spree co- opted into the role of Sponsorship Manager. Both members will be formally nominated
at the 2023 AGM. Congratulations to both members on their new roles.
News from the Trustees October 2022
The Autumn Trustees meeting was held on the 11th of October via Zoom. Our Chair, Sandra Hall opened the meeting, welcoming all present. A special word
of welcome was extended to Michelle Nixon. Following the AGM, the position
of Assistant Secretary remained vacant until Michelle came forward interested and willing to take the role. It was agreed en- block with a show of hands that Michelle Nixon will be formally co-opted into the position until the AGM in 2023.
Members of the Membership Subgroup reported on the ongoing work to centralise the Society’s finances and update the membership process, including improving the way renewals are available via the website. There are some tweaks to the website around renewals which will need to be resolved for 2023. It was reported that a workshop will be arranged with
all branch membership secretaries to discuss information flow and roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone is clear and happy with the new process.
Raymond Higgins reported that he
is currently preparing a programme for winter ZOOM presentations commencing in late November. Please keep an eye on social media and on the website for further information and details on how you can register you intertest in attending. Like
last year the talks will be recorded and added to the website library as a member only benefit. DA talks are also continuing throughout the winter. All Society events are advertised on the website so it’s easy to see what events are upcoming in your area.
It was reported that 14 candidates undertook the Judges exam ( Theory & Practical) on Saturday the 1st of October. The exam was held in Wales and Ireland. A special word of thanks was extended to everyone who volunteered and supported with the exams and thankyou to all candidates.
We have begun the process of uploading the Society’s DVD growing guides to the website. These will be available in the library section as a members only benefit. The Trustees would like to thank Sean James Cameron for his time and support with transferring the DVDs to online
digital content and Gordon Francis for his
support in organising
the DVD postal sales for so long.
Ian Simpson
provided an update on
the growing leaflets which
are now complete and available
on the members only section of
the website. Jean Forrester issued a finance report in advance of the meeting. A separate report was also issued in advance of the meeting on the proposed capitation fee for 2022. It was voted that the capitation fee would be £3 per membership for 2022.
In the absence of a Sponsorship Manager, Fiona Shenfield updated the trustees on the continuing positive engagement with our sponsors. The seed trials are now coming to an end so we
look forward to seeing all your notes and photos. Medwyns of Anglesey provided free red onion seed (37-222) in the Winter edition (2021/22) of the SV Magazine
for 2022’s Chair’s Challenge. It was a successful class with 20 entries having been staged. DT Brown have kindly offered to provide seed for the Chair’s Challenge for 2023 which will be the Falco Turnip. The class will call for a dish of three.
Raymond Higgins reported that a mini survey is now prepared and will be issued via email to members. We are seeking your views on the free seeds provided to you with your Simply Vegetables. This is your chance to share with us your experience
of the various seed varieties. This direct feedback will be shared with our partners. Other topics discussed by the Trustees included how to manage the use of copyright images, and how the annual social evening might be run in line with Charities Commission guidelines on the use of funds.
Finally, the Trustees would like to
share the news that Norman Dickinson
is recovering well from his recent illness. Norman works hard as both National Membership Registrar and Southern Branch Chairman, and we are sure you all wish him a full and rapid recovery.
The next meeting for the Trustees is scheduled for November 29th. This meeting will focus on the National Championships. The January Trustee meeting is scheduled for the 17th. All meetings continue via Zoom.
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