Page 8 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 8
Kelvin’s Comments
A Happy New Year to all members and hopefully a productive growing year regardless of the weather. I will resist the temptation to comment on the political situation at the time of writing (October) and it is too early to comment on COP27 which is not until mid-November. For those members who are keen to do
their bit to reduce the effects of climate change there are still three months of the dormant planting season left so consider planting a tree whether it is an edible fruit type or ornamental species. Trees are very good value for money as they last many years and either produce good crops of fruit or give long lasting ornamental decoration in the garden. Cane and bush fruit can still be planted which will give you a supply of fruit for desserts in the summertime.
Now is also a good time to buy or acquire some water butts so they have time to fill before the dry weather arrives. I have included in this magazine an article on adapting to climate change offering some suggestions on what we can do to ensure we continue to produce good vegetables and fruit despite climate change. Also, there is an article giving more methods of recycling, hopefully comprehensive to try to encourage us all to lead more sustainable lives. We cannot rely on our politicians to do it all (if they do anything!) and we all need to do our bit whether it is recycle, grow our own, reduce energy use (well worth it these days), reduce our travelling, and use less resources.
I would be very pleased to receive articles for future magazines from members or if you know someone who is happy to contribute. They do not have to be professionally produced and can be typed or handwritten, if you include any photographs (and they help) please make sure they are a decent kb or preferable mb in size. If too small they do not come out very well in the magazine and the publishers cannot enlarge them without looking fuzzy or blurred. Sharing information helps us all
well as looking forward to this year. Gerry Edwards give topical advice on pruning fruit trees, this needs doing in the next two to three months and doing it correctly can be the difference between getting a good crop or no crop! Graeme La Marquand and Collette Bisson keep us informed on events in Jersey where there is a very active DA. Derek Brooks gives guidance on what to do on the allotment and veg plot over the next three months, now is the time to think about early sowings and ensure you have
and is how people have improved over the years; so, don’t take your growing secrets to the grave!
Any articles on growing, cooking or preserving fruit or vegetables would be appreciated. They can be
on growing techniques, growing for exhibition or giant vegetables, how to overcome growing problems like pests and disease or improving your soil.
Now is also a good time to buy or acquire some water butts so they have time to fill before the dry weather arrives
your seeds, sets etc. Ron Nuttall covers soil
preparation for growing vegetables which is important if you are to achieve decent yields and sized specimens. Marion Neden shares some recipes on what to do with your produce once you have grown it. I would be very pleased to receive recipes for using fruit or vegetables; I live on salads all summer and then microwaved veg and fruit all winter so don’t
Most gardeners need to
apply more organic matter to their soils, do you compost, what organic matter do you use, where do you get it, any ideas on different organic materials or sources of materials to compost.
In this magazine I am pleased to say we have articles from our regular contributors, Emily Plumb reflects on the 2022 growing year and their successes and failures as
rely on me! Michael Gordon continues
the no-dig debate showing how he still managed to grow vegetables despite being on crutches and how no-dig helped him.
A brief Kelvin’s Comment this time but there is plenty from me elsewhere in the magazine, too much as someone commented in the 2019 survey!
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