Page 10 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 10

                                   Casualty evacuation during a live fire dismounted attack / BATUS, Canada / 10 May 18
Guard of Honour / Warminster / 1 Aug 18
itself proud, enhancing its reputation across the Battalion.
On return from Oman, the Company rapidly had to reform for its next challenge: Op CABRIT 4 in 2019. So, the final few weeks before Christmas were spent vigorously training and preparing our vehicles and equipment, including an intensive week of live firing on Bulford ranges, and qualifying over 25 men
in gunner, driver or commander crew positions.
It has been another active year, and we look forward to the challenges ahead.
The OC leads a model exercise / BATUS, Canada / 9 May 18
 learn as much as we
could, and we were
extremely fortunate to
work with some first-
class individuals from
other cap badges. To
think that in less than
five months we got to
where we were from a
near standing start was
an incredible achievement. Before heading home, there was enough time to enjoy some of what the region has to offer with adventurous training in the Rockies, and
Grenadiers travelling all over Canada and North America.
Within weeks of
our return home to Bulford, and with a
new Company Sergeant Major, we quickly
found ourselves split
up to reinforce the rest
of the Battalion for Ex SAIF SAREEA 3
in Oman. The desert was a very different environment, and again the Company did
The desert was a very
different environment, and again the Company did itself proud...

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