Page 34 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 34

 Catering Department – WO2 Smith
2018 has been an extremely active
and challenging year for the Catering Department, albeit highly rewarding in every sense. The year has afforded a plethora of challenges and opportunities which have been seized upon and the experience gained, and lessons learned have been invaluable in preparation for future operations.
Back in January Pte Barnett was fortunate in being selected to Deploy to Cyprus in support of the Kings Division to provide a catering service for the duration of the JNCO Cadre. As well as developing his technical trade skills he was able to experience the sites and culture which in itself was just reward for his hard work. At the latter end
of January LCpl Walker deployed to the Falkland Isles on BFSAI whilst the remainder of the Department began to plan for the fast-approaching Royal visit of the Col in Chief HRH Prince Charles. Sgt Worboyes was the lucky candidate who was charged with planning and executing a meal fit for
a king. With the assistance of Cpl Ghigroo and a team of chefs, the food served was exquisite and the event in its entirety was hugely successful.
In March the Department bid farewell
to WO2 Docherty; having given 3 years of dedicated service to the Battalion she was
promoted and assigned to pastures new. This saw the department welcome the new RCWO WO2 Smith. Congratulations to WO2 Docherty on her LE Commission.
Over this period the Catering department deployed in support of both EX URBAN DAWN 1 & 2; ensuring that all exercising troops received adequate feeding to sustain and prepare them for the arduous training they faced. The hard work and excellent production over this exercise did not go unrecognised by the troops nor the chain
of command when both Sgt Worboyes and Cpl Griffin received the Commanders Coin for their exceptional efforts.
In April the department was required
to provide a strong element of catering support to Ex PRAIRIE STORM 1 where our chefs assisted in delivering a multitude of maintenance day feeding on to the BATUS training area. Although this was highly demanding work; it was equally rewarding and enjoyable.
Next up was the preparation for the
main event of the year (Ex SAIF SAREEA
3), which would see the team deploy to Oman and manage numerous catering facilities in a highly challenging environment. Having sent a small advance party in to theatre to assist in setting up each catering location it quickly became apparent that
we would have to deliver a service working with limited equipment and resources.
This did not phase the team; each and all embraced the challenge laid before them and ensured that both the Battle Group and CSS Group were well fed over the duration. Prior to deployment, Ex SS3 had promised to be a demanding task, and it lived up to expectation. With a fluctuating feeding strength which often rose above 1300 personnel on a daily basis, numerous high-profile functions and a number of trips into the desert to feed a hungry BG proved to test the department to its capacity. The training and experience taken from Ex SS3 was hugely beneficial and will live long in the memory of the chefs that took part, the lessons learned from it will undoubtedly have prepared all for future operations.
Throughout the year members of the department have represented the Battalion at numerous sports. Pte Briggs was part of the outstanding 1 MERCIAN Boxing team which won the 1 Brigade Boxing event whilst Sgt Wood has represented another outstanding 1 MERCIAN team at Tug of War. In addition to this, Sgt Worboyes has represented both the Battalion skiing and football team while LCpl Clark, Pte Barnett and Pte Krakoue have all represented the Battalion football team.
  LAD – Capt Ritchie
The past year has been one of change
for the LAD. We have seen 24 changes
to personnel over the last 12 months, including the arrival of a new OC and ASM in the summer. The LAD has continued to provide integral support to the Battalion and the fitter sections have enjoyed far more involvement within their affiliated companies. This proved invaluable over an intense
year of activity with overseas deployments to both Canada and Oman, as well as Castlemartin Ranges,
some of the most demanding manoeuvres the Army has seen in years.
The LAD has also had a few sparing moments for some members to compete
in sport. Particular mention should go to WO2 (AQMS) Morris, SSgt Thomas and SSgt Dunn who represented the Battalion in the Army Cycling Road Race Series, and Cpl Sitaris and Cfn McNeil representing the Corps at rugby and ice hockey respectively. There was also the opportunity to attend
  on Copehill Down in the early part of the 2018.
I arrived in July, taking over as OC LAD, just
as the Battalion was gearing up for Ex SAIF SAREEA 3 (Ex SS3)
This was the main effort for the year, involving a lot of preparation from the LAD.
the annual REME
Ski Race camp on
Ex SUPREME GLACIER 18, where there was the chance for skiers and snowboarders
both experienced
and novice to get out onto the slopes of the
WO2 (AQMS) Morris, SSgt Thomas, SSgt Slaven / In front of Mont Blanc (French side) / France / Jun 18
and returning to Oman on Ex KHANJAR EDGE 19 with B Coy. Further out into
2019 the LAD will also support the Bn as
it deploys elements onto Salisbury Plain to provide OPFOR for the second half of the Ex WESSEX STORM series. The year will
be an interesting challenge, encompassing operational deployments and developmental Exercises. The LAD goes from strength to strength, providing an excellent level of ES remaining at the forefront of Armd Inf LADs in terms of experience and professionalism.
Arte et Marte.
 in Oman. This was the main effort for the year, involving a lot of preparation from the LAD. Most of July was spent at Ashchurch inspecting the vehicles, before a CSTTX
to prepare for the upcoming exercise. Some elements of the LAD, most notably the ASM, deployed to Oman in August
with the remainder following throughout September. The LAD with attachments from the supporting elements of the Battlegroup quickly stepped up to the mark keeping availability above 80% throughout, during
Stubai Glacier. In addition, WO2 (AQMS) Morris took members of the LAD and Bn on Ex MERCIAN KOM (King of the Mountain); a cycling expedition to the Italian and French Alps.
To summarise, it has been a full year
for the LAD. The high tempo of overseas exercises has been a challenge, but one which has been met head on by every soldier. The LAD is looking forward to further challenges in 2019, with Fitter Sections deploying on Op CABRIT with A Coy
EME: Capt A Ritchie ASM: WO1 G McGettigan AQMS: WO2 I Morris
                                THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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