Page 95 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 95

                                  Glossop Cadets Attend
Expedition Funding
Written by Sgt Gatenby – Derbyshire Army Cadets
Cadets and adult volunteers from Glossop detachment, Derbyshire Army Cadet Force, were presented with a cheque for £800 on January 10 by Councillors Jean and John Wharmby of High Peak Borough Council.
The funding comes from the Councillor’s community fund and will go towards new equipment to help the cadets complete the Duke of Edinburgh award (DofE). Qualifying for the bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh awards entails going on expeditions
cadets work on military themed subjects such as navigation, first aid, shooting and adventurous training on a weekly basis alongside getting out in the community to help out at community events, such as the poppy appeal and the vintage vehicle show earlier this year.
The poppy appeal, originating from the red flower growing in Ypres in the horrific aftermath of World War One is worn by millions of people as
a symbol of remembrance and hope. Distributed
and taking part in community events. DofE is endorsed by HRH The Prince of Wales.
The cadets here are so thankful to receive the funding...
by the Royal British Legion, the sale of Poppies provides lifelong support for the Armed Forces community – serving men and women, veterans, and their families.
The Army Cadet Force can trace its roots to 1859, when reformer Miss Octavia Hill decided that a cadet force
Jean and John Wharmby,
of High Peak Borough Council
were overjoyed to present the
cheque to aid the cadets in their
expeditions. Cadet Sergeant
Taylor accepting the cheque
said of the presentation “The cadets here are so thankful to receive the funding, we hope we can get lots of new kit to use while we are out camping.”
would provide an outlet to help disadvantaged young people to focus their attention. Today the Army Cadet Force works with young people
aged 12-18, to instil values and standards not necessarily taught in schools such as loyalty, courage, and selfless commitment through military and non-military activities.
To join as a cadet in a detachment near you or volunteer as an adult instructor, visit
The Councillors also took this opportunity to present a thank you card from the Royal British legion for the cadet’s hard work in selling poppies for the poppy appeal, for which the cadets raised over £1,800. Glossop detachment is the largest detachment in number in the county totalling approximately 60 regular parading cadets. The
Glossop Cadets Presentation

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