Page 97 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 97

                                 BURTON Corps of Drums
The Corps of Drums have been quite busy over 2018, not only in supporting events for both the MERCIAN Regiment but also the DMS at Whittington. We have had to say farewell to a number of drummers during this year who, due to outside commitments, have had to move on and we wish them well in their future careers and endeavours. These included; Harvey Fowler moving to Welbeck, Adam Bayley-Blye to the Blues and Royals, Chris Hartland commissioned into the Army Air Corps, Tom Lakin to
the Royal Marines, Dan Jones to the RAF Regiment and a number of others leaving to go to university, including Tom Payne who is focused on a commission in the Mercian Regiment.
This has given us the opportunity to recruit new members and I can confirm
that we have been
able to do so while
maintaining our high
standards, supporting
fundraising events for
the regiment and the
dinner night along with
our other commitments
throughout the year.
One of the highlights was the visit of the new Surgeon General to DMS Whittington and the PMC; Lt. Col. Barnett, who asked if we could support his dinner night in the Officers Mess at DMS. At the dinner we turned out 14 drummers and performed our light stick display which received a standing ovation and high praise from the Surgeon General and all present. It should also be mentioned that we provide support
and training to the ATC squadron in Lichfield and the scout band in Brereton.
Looking forward, we have been asked to perform at the Menin Gate memorial in Ypres, Belgium in April 2019 so
naturally all drummers are working hard to learn new marches and achieve the highest standards possible for the 4-day visit, which will be a great experience for the younger members.
We would like to thank everyone associated with the Corps of Drums for their continued support.
 At the dinner we turned out 14 drummers and performed our light stick display...
  The Worshipful Company of Bowyers 2018
The Worshipful Company of Bowyers is one of the older and smaller of the City of London’s 110 livery companies; proudly ranking 38th in the order of precedence. Dating back to the 14th century, when longbow making was first established in London, the Bowyers’ Company motto to this day recalls the hard-fought victories at which British archers played such a crucial role: ‘Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourt’. Although some current Bowyers have made longbows (and one or two do so professionally), these days the Company celebrates the rich history of bow making,
The new Master’s Installation, from left Beadle (Mr Paul Tredgett), Immediate Past Master (Mr Tony Kench), Upper Warden (Mr David Laxton), Master (Mr Ian Spring), Renter Warden (Mr Nigel Heilpern) Clerk (Lt Col (Retd) Tony Marinos)
providing a programme of convivial activities and supporting a
number of charitable
organisations through
 financial support and
active engagement.
The Company is
about 150 strong and
draws its membership
from a wide variety of
backgrounds. As arms
manufacturers of the
past, we maintain strong connections with the armed forces through deep and highly
valued affiliations with The Mercian Regiment as well as the frigate HMS Northumberland.
Last year was a typically busy one for the Bowyers. A full programme of dinners,
social and charitable events was planned, organised and executed with approximately one or two events taking place a month. Highlights included our St Georges Day Charity Banquet in April, which was held
on board HQS Wellington and to which we invited representatives from many of the charities we support. Our other ‘flagship’ event, the Agincourt Banquet, where we celebrate our military affiliations, was held at Armourers’ Hall in October. This year
we were pleased to welcome Maj Gen Ian Cave, the Colonel of the Mercian Regiment, as our principal guest and speaker, as well as a good number of other Mercian officers including Brigadiers Simon Banton and Phil Kimber.
As you would expect, archery continues to play a key part of the annual programme. In June the Company competed against two of our sister ‘warrior companies’:
the traditional competition against the Fletchers Company in the moat at the Tower of London and also against the
The Company is about 150 strong and draws its membership from a wide variety of backgrounds.

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