Page 3 - Out Birding Spring 2024
P. 3
What Birds?
This amazing creaon is the brainchild of Roy Atkins, Speyside Wildlife, and is reproduced here with permission. It comprises 10 species of birds found in the UK. Can you tease them out?
Answers on p 17
1. Which species of bird is known collecvely in flight as a wisp?
2. Which is the odd one out: Sleepy Ciscola, Lazy Ciscola, Foxy Ciscola?
3. What colour legs does a Black Guillemot have?
4. To which connent would you go to see a Chachalaca?
5. How many toes does a Three-toed Woodpecker have?
6. What colloquial name for a Brish bird has an x in it?
7. What is the naonal bird of South Africa: Crowned Crane, Blue Crane or
Waled Crane?
8. What is the more usual name for the Rain Goose?
9. What colour bill does an adult Kiwake have?
10. Where would you go to meet a Coquee?
11. Which European species is the sole member of a widespread family in
12. To which connent would you go to see a fairy-wren?
13. What colour is the bill of a Goldfinch?
14. What birds did WB Yeats count at Coole Park? How many were there?
15. What type of bird is a Snowcap?
Answers on p 16