Page 3 - Out Birding Spring 2024
P. 3

What Birds?
This amazing crea􏰀on is the brainchild of Roy Atkins, Speyside Wildlife, and is reproduced here with permission. It comprises 10 species of birds found in the UK. Can you tease them out?
Answers on p 17
1. Which species of bird is known collec􏰀vely in flight as a wisp?
2. Which is the odd one out: Sleepy Cis􏰀cola, Lazy Cis􏰀cola, Foxy Cis􏰀cola?
3. What colour legs does a Black Guillemot have?
4. To which con􏰀nent would you go to see a Chachalaca?
5. How many toes does a Three-toed Woodpecker have?
6. What colloquial name for a Bri􏰀sh bird has an x in it?
7. What is the na􏰀onal bird of South Africa: Crowned Crane, Blue Crane or
Wa􏰁led Crane?
8. What is the more usual name for the Rain Goose?
9. What colour bill does an adult Ki􏰂wake have?
10. Where would you go to meet a Coque􏰁e?
11. Which European species is the sole member of a widespread family in
12. To which con􏰀nent would you go to see a fairy-wren?
13. What colour is the bill of a Goldfinch?
14. What birds did WB Yeats count at Coole Park? How many were there?
15. What type of bird is a Snowcap?
Answers on p 16

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