Page 17 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
P. 17

RSPB Dungeness and the latest BTO ini􏰀a􏰀ve for research into Urban Birds. We s􏰀ll have some funds available for good causes too.
We have been unable to find volunteers to cover publicity and communica􏰀ons roles, so we have not been able to do as much on this front as we normally would. It would be wonderful if one or two new volunteers came forward to help us develop this important aspect of our work as we are currently missing out on some opportu- ni􏰀es.
With travel now pre􏰁y much back to normal there are more opportuni􏰀es to consid- er trips overseas. I was very pleased that the birding holiday to Extremadura I planned before lockdown was able to go ahead a􏰂er two postponements. We en- joyed some wonderful birding together in a beau􏰀ful landscape with many spectacu- lar birds of prey. But I’m now very aware of the 􏰀me needed to organise these trips and the poten􏰀al financial risks involved for the organiser and par􏰀cipants. Howev- er, it would be very feasible to run future holidays through a birding tour company: I approached Naturetrek as an op􏰀on to organise the trip to Extremadura to help manage the risks, which they were happy to do, but ul􏰀mately the travel situa􏰀on improved and we decided to con􏰀nue to organise the trip ourselves. But this op􏰀on is well worth considering for the future, especially now we have had Zoom presenta- 􏰀ons on several fabulous looking des􏰀na􏰀ons!
It is heartening to see that we are s􏰀ll a􏰁rac􏰀ng plenty of new members and that our GGT events are as popular as ever. I think these are two good indicators that we are doing well as a club and achieving our aims. With two commi􏰁ee members standing down this year we have the opportunity for new volunteers to join the commi􏰁ee, either in the vacant Publicity or Communica􏰀ons roles, or without por􏰃olio. We can co-opt new commi􏰁ee members at any 􏰀me, so please keep this in mind, we really need folk to come forward each year and get involved in running the club.
On behalf of the commi􏰁ee, incoming Chair Andy thanked Mike for all his contribu- 􏰀ons over the years both as Chair and as a commi􏰁ee member, wished him well and hoped he’d return at some future stage.
5 Treasurer’s Report
Liz Armstrong explained the accounts for the year ending 31 July 2022 and advised that they show the club remains in a healthy financial posi􏰀on. Our core funds from our membership fees made a surplus of £2,459 during the year. Together with the surplus brought forward from previous years, this now means that the club has a healthy core funds surplus of just over £11,600.
Our Grand Get Together April 2022 broke even, with the small surplus of £52 being donated to the Conserva􏰀on Fund. The Conserva􏰀on Fund raised £1,030 during 21/22 from a combina􏰀on of individual dona􏰀ons and funds raised at GGT (£620) from the raffle, sales and quizzes. In April 2022 Liz reviewed the costs of our printed

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