Page 19 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
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ship without having to wait for the quarterly Out Birding magazine. As a result, mem- bers can now use the email address: and the informaon is then circulated to all members via the membership secretary. This system seems to be working well and has allowed for a number of events to take place and be offered to all members - not just those in the local region.
The new calendar for 2023 is currently being finalised. Jim was unable to be present, but Mike confirmed that Jim was co-ordinang the Zoom meengs programme and making good progress on the 2023 schedules.
8 Out Birding Editor’s Report
Pat Croon paid thanks to the many members who contributed during the year, the four edions of Out Birding have delivered a very good variety of event reports, features and photographs. A new addion to the digital version displays it as a two- page spread and turns the pages. Only 25 paper copies are now sent out, with those members paying the cost of prinng and postage. The printers connue to provide an excellent service and it is sll convenient for Pat to collect the copies thus saving delivery charges for the club.
Mike and the commiee recognised the great amount of work put into OB and congratulated Pat on her successful efforts.
9 Publicity Officer’s Report
In the absence of a Publicity Officer, Mike updated the commiee on recent acvi- es, including some coverage through the RSPB magazine, BBC Wildlife magazine and Twier. Andy felt it would be helpful for general publicity to have ‘group’ pho- tos showing members in the field birding, and the issue of discreon and personal/ approval consent was discussed. Caroline suggested that perhaps some extra infor- maon on our Facebook page informing non-members as to how to join GBC might be valuable. Today we have 430 followers on Facebook, and 308 on Twier, it was reported.
Pat raised an important aspect – that our donaons from the Conservaon Fund to external bodies reflect our values and should be highlighted, perhaps via social me- dia, to capitalise on publicity opportunies when these donaons are made. There was also a brief discussion on Pride parcipaons, raised by Sue.
10 Commiee Members for 2023
As stated above (5), Mike advised that he would be standing down both as Chair, and from the commiee. The commiee expressed their appreciaon of Mike’s work as Chair in difficult mes. John Hudson is also standing down, and Mike (and the commiee) expressed their thanks for John’s contribuons as also covered above.
Andy Webb as incoming Chair (and as a previous Chair) introduced himself and high- lighted a future focus on determining how members currently use, and in future