Page 19 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
P. 19

ship without having to wait for the quarterly Out Birding magazine. As a result, mem- bers can now use the email address: and the informa􏰀on is then circulated to all members via the membership secretary. This system seems to be working well and has allowed for a number of events to take place and be offered to all members - not just those in the local region.
The new calendar for 2023 is currently being finalised. Jim was unable to be present, but Mike confirmed that Jim was co-ordina􏰀ng the Zoom mee􏰀ngs programme and making good progress on the 2023 schedules.
8 Out Birding Editor’s Report
Pat Cro􏰁on paid thanks to the many members who contributed during the year, the four edi􏰀ons of Out Birding have delivered a very good variety of event reports, features and photographs. A new addi􏰀on to the digital version displays it as a two- page spread and turns the pages. Only 25 paper copies are now sent out, with those members paying the cost of prin􏰀ng and postage. The printers con􏰀nue to provide an excellent service and it is s􏰀ll convenient for Pat to collect the copies thus saving delivery charges for the club.
Mike and the commi􏰂ee recognised the great amount of work put into OB and congratulated Pat on her successful efforts.
9 Publicity Officer’s Report
In the absence of a Publicity Officer, Mike updated the commi􏰂ee on recent ac􏰀vi- 􏰀es, including some coverage through the RSPB magazine, BBC Wildlife magazine and Twi􏰂er. Andy felt it would be helpful for general publicity to have ‘group’ pho- tos showing members in the field birding, and the issue of discre􏰀on and personal/ approval consent was discussed. Caroline suggested that perhaps some extra infor- ma􏰀on on our Facebook page informing non-members as to how to join GBC might be valuable. Today we have 430 followers on Facebook, and 308 on Twi􏰂er, it was reported.
Pat raised an important aspect – that our dona􏰀ons from the Conserva􏰀on Fund to external bodies reflect our values and should be highlighted, perhaps via social me- dia, to capitalise on publicity opportuni􏰀es when these dona􏰀ons are made. There was also a brief discussion on Pride par􏰀cipa􏰀ons, raised by Sue.
10 Commi􏰂ee Members for 2023
As stated above (5), Mike advised that he would be standing down both as Chair, and from the commi􏰂ee. The commi􏰂ee expressed their apprecia􏰀on of Mike’s work as Chair in difficult 􏰀mes. John Hudson is also standing down, and Mike (and the commi􏰂ee) expressed their thanks for John’s contribu􏰀ons as also covered above.
Andy Webb as incoming Chair (and as a previous Chair) introduced himself and high- lighted a future focus on determining how members currently use, and in future

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