Page 22 - RSDG Year of 2021 CREST
P. 22
Major B Taylor
2021 turned out to be a pheromonal year; it is to the immense credit of all involved with the Squadron, the Officers, the soldiers, and their families, that in time honoured fashion we have supported the Sabre Squadrons quickly, efficiently, and without fanfare. Whilst under the umbrella of pandemic restrictions, Headquarters Squadron has trained hard, we have socialised and we have met every challenge with deter- mination and a never give in attitude that will always define the ethos of the Squadron.
Throughout the year, HQ excelled on multiple fronts: our Training Wing under Capt Davie Dodds facili- tated training for soldiers across a number of plat- forms and weapon types. We supported national Op RESCRIPT efforts - our UAP JNCO’s Cpl Hughes and LCpl Thom deploying to support NHS Northern Ireland, whilst SCOTS DG teams fanned out across Scotland setting up vaccination centres. SSgt Mark Hallam found himself based in Blackpool conducting tests as part of the nation’s drive to upskill HGV driver capacity. Our RAPTCI SSgt Liam Baldwin organised numerous charity events, deservedly earning a GOC’s Commendation. The RAO department took to run- ning a half marathon, raising money for charity. Our soldiers have deployed in support of Ex KHANJAR OMAN, helped with SCOTS DG 50 organisation, con- ducted a major 8-week exercise and much more. It is fair to say HQ Sqn personnel have delivered all that has been asked, and with added sparkle.
2020 had, for obvious reasons, been disjointed and frus- trating: much that was expected to happen was either cancelled or trimmed down to meet the COVID risk. It was, therefore, after a welcomed Christmas break that we returned to Leuchars Station with renewed opti- mism, knowing that the next 12 months would be con- ducted at pace and that the tempo would be relentless. On the horizon we had Regimental Ranges and BGHQ dry training at Castlemartin, with Exercise Wessex Storm the major focus point for all to work towards.
Even the older heads need to refresh skills; it was, there- fore, during February that the Squadron departments began to ‘shake out’ and conduct some much-needed Battle Craft Syllabus training. Whilst Command Troop prepared itself for CAST, the Echelon, under command of QM(T) Capt Hendry and MTO Capt Stevie Chart, deployed the G4 fleet into the field in order to practice
SSgt Colclough in the seat
their set up and conduct low level skills training. The training was conducted in deep snow, however, during the Commanding Officers visit, the Squadron Leader did notice that the QM(T) had ensured warmth, good food, comfort (and slippers) were of paramount impor- tance (as is always the case at A2!!). Needless to say, the training was delivered with utmost professional- ism, detailed lessons delivered by the JNCO cohort, provided a firm foundation for what was to come later in the year.
It was also during this period that HQ Sqn headed en masse to Barry Buddon ranges in order to conduct ACMT firing. The ranges were delivered flawlessly by a team comprising mostly of our Pipes and Drums. Pipe Major Duncan and Drum Major Prescott are ferocious trainers and leave firers in no doubt as to the level of professionalism expected. It was, therefore, both amusing and frustrating that the Sqn Leader, having been behind a desk on assignment for a num- ber of years, had never used VERTUS webbing, nor the Lightweight Day Sight, and sorely needed some calm professional one to one coaching, the QM Capt Jimmy Taylor muttering something about the Padre on ranges!!
Regimental Ranges have always been a time when we test ourselves to the limit and, no matter where we