Page 38 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 38
Maj Sophie Gregory RADC
The Army Medical Services Equitation Association continues to be the largest in the Army Equitation Association, with all rank ranges from Private to Colonel. There are several training sessions a year at the Defence Animal Centre in Melton Mowbray, and competitions ranging across all three disciplines of dressage, cross country and showjumping ranging from 60cm to 120cm.
Two RADC personnel compete regularly for the AMS, Captain Amy Curtis on Larry, a horse borrowed through the military loan scheme, and Major Sophie Gregory on her horse Felix.
Captain Curtis and Larry have had
a successful year, winning the 75cm
arena cross-country event at the RAF championships in September 2018, and 4th in the 85cm showjumping. They then placed as 2nd highest military rider at the Army and Royal Artillery Hunter Trial in October before coming out in 2019 stronger than ever and winning the 80cm at the UK Armed Forces Equitation Championships in April.
Major Sophie Gregory and Felix were selected for the Army Dressage Team in 2018 and 2019, they placed as top military rider in their class at the UK Armed Forces Dressage Championships in October 2018, and placed in the top 10 of all the wider civilian classes at the same competition, which is held as part of the Dressage Championships of Great Britain. After a move to Camberley, they spent the winter with the Staff College and Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Draghunt before Felix had some time off with injury. He returned to form just prior to the UK Armed Forces Equitation Championships in April 2019, where they
Overall Army grassroots League Winners 2017/2018: SSgt Izzy Mayhew RAMC, Cpl Ruth Higgins QARANC and LCpl Katie Lobb RAMC.
Major Sophie Gregory on Felix at Royal Tournament
won the Novice Dressage, 6th in the Elementary Dressage, and 4th in the 80cm showjumping (just behind Captain Curtis!) and Felix achieved another clear round in the 85cm at the Royal Tournament in June 2019, coming 7th out of over 50 competitors.
Army Grassroots League
June 2018 saw the final of the first ever Army Equitation Grassroots League. Set up by Major Sophie Gregory RADC along with Major Rebecca Darke RLC and Captain Georgina Mawbey RLC. The league aims
to bridge the gap between those personnel attending Beginner and Novice courses
at various military saddle clubs, and those out competing on their own horse at Corps level and above. Using military horses, this forum allows grassroots riders the chance to represent their Corps alongside others
of a similar standard. This aims to develop riders within the sport to enable them to progress to compete their own horse (either borrowed, bought or stolen!) at wider Corps equitation events.
Based at Larkhill saddle club, the format is a series of heats starting in October and progressing throughout the year to the final in June. Each stage consists of a preliminary level dressage test, followed by a round
of show jumping at 70cm and individuals compete in a points-based system that qualify riders for the next stage. Individuals
Pte Charlene Teal QARANC (third from right) in the 2018/2019 grassroots final
can attend as many heats as they like which collects them more points. The final is held in June, at the Royal tournament, a tri-service showjumping competition at the Defence Animal Centre, Melton Mowbray.
In 2018 the league was a team format and the AMS team consisting of SSgt Izzy Mayhew RAMC, Cpl Ruth Higgins QARANC and LCpl Katie Lobb RAMC were the overall winners from a starting line-up of 12 Corp teams. LCpl Lobb also went on to come
3rd in the individual 80cm class at Royal tournament. All 3 soldiers started their equestrian careers through military channels, particularly SSgt Taylor, who completed
the AMS beginner and novice courses
held at Warminster Saddle club, and then progressed to the Army Grassroots league. All have since loaned horses to compete
on the wider military equestrian circuit and have had considerable successes in the junior classes. In 2018/2019 the league took on individual competitor format and Private Teal QARANC qualified for the final in Melton Mowbray riding the Larkhill saddle club horse Geoff, being placed 3rd overall and scoring the best dressage score of the day.
If anyone would like further information on beginner or novice courses, getting involved with the AMS team or the army grassroots league please contact the AMS Equitation Association through their Facebook page, or find them on defence connect.
Major Sophie Gregory on Felix on their way to winning the Novice Dressage at UKAFEC 2019