Page 125 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 125

ETS North Winter AT
(22-28 Jan 23), Spanish Pyrenees
After much kindling during 2022 into early 2023, 27 AEC’s Lt Dominic Ryan-Gilbank suc- cessfully lit the torch to guide ETS North to the Spanish Pyrenees for the unit’s annual winter AT trip! The ski trip would aim to evoke the spirit of the aims of AT, to ignite unit cohesion amongst branch members and develop professional com- petencies, both within AT frameworks and beyond.
Phase 1: Toulouse or not to lose? That was the emerging and slightly devilish question as ETS North touched down at Toulouse airport. The omi- nous shut down of the baggage carousel, after arriving on a much-delayed flight, seemed not to say ‘bienvenue’ to the 75% of passengers still without their baggage; the ETS
North group were badly afflicted. A seizure of the initiative, some rapid comms with the waiting bus driver and quick translation skills, saw the eventual answer revealed: No bags, and therefore, ski kit, till fur- ther notice... However, the flame of developing other professional com- petencies and unit cohesion began to burn bright.
2Lt Trainor
team cohesion related activities planned, the end was in sight. Nevertheless, British Airways had
  Phase 2: Off Piste, on piste, off
piste. The initial baggage situation
meant some lost a day skiing. But
some kit sharing and the eventual
arrival of the bags, meant no one
missed more than one day on the
slopes. With everyone kitted out, all 17 ETS North members were challenged within SF1, SF2 and continuation training frameworks. On piste, off piste and ski touring were all dabbled in during the week, with the eventual achievement of AT com- petencies and quality training all round.
Phase 3: The route back? Again, another phase, another question posed. With one final night of
A seizure of the initiative, some rapid comms with the waiting bus driver and quick translation skills, saw the eventual answer revealed: No bags, and therefore, ski
kit, till further notice...
other ideas-our flight was cancelled... Nevertheless, the uncertainty allowed for team cohesion to continue to develop, whilst Lt Dominic Ryan-Gil- bank and the 27 AEC did some alter- native COA development, liaising with BA, HRG and Diego (the hotel owner). This fruitful effort saw alternative return journeys set for all ETS North person- nel. Adios!
Overall, a successful AT trip well orchestrated by 27 AEC under Lt Dominic Ryan-Gilbank’s lead, despite the equally physical and metaphori- cal uphill struggles created by exter- nal forces, which will forever remain synonymous with the trip. A huge
thank you to Paul, Lluc and David who imparted the training on this trip, with all ETS North person- nel developing their skiing proficiency and plainly achieving all expedition aims.
May the torch continue to burn into 2024, with the memory of Ex FROSTED FLAME a fantastic start to the year which will hopefully bring more success.

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