Page 124 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 124

Capt Watson RLC
Ex FRESH TRACKS 23 saw 14 RMAS PS, from Pte through to Maj, deploy to Vallandry on the edge of the Vanoise National Park within the
Tarentaise Massif in the French Alps. Ex FRESH TRACKS was a Type 3 External Adventurous Train- ing Exercise delivered over the period of 22 Mar – 1 Apr 23 (incl travel days) by Capt Mark Watson (SL2) and CSgt Chris Hooper (SL1).
The exped saw PS qualify in either Ski Foundation Level 1 or 2.
The aim of Ex FRESH TRACKS was to conduct T3 E challenging skiing activities for novice and expe- rienced skiers from RMAS that incorporates con- trolled exposure to risk; focused on
developing leadership, teamwork, physical fitness, moral and physi- cal courage to enhance the combat and operational effectiveness of the RMAS staff.
The main body left Sandhurst
on Friday the 24th of March and
embarked on the long coach jour-
ney, including a ferry channel
crossing. Thankfully, the journey
was mostly overnight which meant
that, for most, it felt noticeably short
(DS opinion and not those on the
coach). The group arrived in a fresh mood on the Saturday morning to a fresh covering of snow throughout the resort. This was quickly followed by a typical French breakfast before the issuing of
equipment at Sport 2000 for those on SF1 before heading off to the Vallandry lift to start tuition.
Over the first couple of days, the visibility was poor as the snow came in thick and fast which got the SF2 group overly excited in the thigh deep fresh powder (OC RSM – WO1 J Timperley joined the SF2 for 1 day but was not keen on the tree runs...... and reverted back to joining Capt E Humphreys -
OC Adjt in SH1.2). However, on days four and five, our snow gods’ prayers were answered and the clouds parted, and the groups were able to enjoy some glorious sunshine (defined panda eyes as proof ). Both groups level of skiing improved drastically due to the diligence and meticulous teaching received from the instructors. By this time, SCpl Thomson realised that talking to his ski and verbally tell- ing them to “STOP” did not work and “pressure, rotation, edge” did. Those on SF1, fully emerged themselves into the training delivered by CSgt Hooper, and
for some, picked it up very quickly and were soon competent on blue runs putting the ESF to shame.
Overall, the trip was a massive success. Ex FRESH TRACKS proved to be an excellent opportunity for officers and soldiers to participate in winter AT and gain a recognised ski qualification. With its Ski In/ Ski Out location, the Monte Blanc lodge in Val- landry offered outstanding facilities and allowed individuals to take continual steps on the ladder to gaining instructor qualifications and vastly improve their personal development and leadership skills.
  SCpl Thomson realised that talking to his ski and verbally telling them
to “STOP” did not work and “pressure, rotation, edge” did

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