Page 122 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 122

The club’s first match was against German CC, arguably the Guards’ most important overseas fix- ture against Bavarian opposition in 77 years. Hav- ing posted 186, with contributions throughout the order, the Germans were swept gently aside with strong bowling from all. The team was giddy with excitement; posting 186 in a 40 over game at Bur- ton Court is rare, let alone emerging on the winning side. This started a worrying trend, with victories over the marvellously dressed Strokers CC (attired in roll necks, plus-fours and shooting socks) as well as Swiss side, Roggenhorn CC, to top the group. Each innings began with Capt Charles Longstaff SG piping the opening batsmen to the crease; this was a ‘burden’ that Charlie was always willing to undertake and one which endeared himself hugely to the locals. Indeed, an impromptu rendition of ‘O Flower of Scotland’ outside the hotel secured the club a sizeable discount off the accommodation!
Whilst cricket was the main event, there was time to explore the town, thanks in large to the commit- tee’s excellent scheduling. Afternoon fixtures on all days allowed our athletes to rest and recuperate properly, with daily visits to the spa mandatory for all. Most required little encouragement. Capt Paul Razzall WG had also skilfully negotiated time on the Cresta Run, a calculated risk ahead of Satur- day’s final, but one which only resulted in a few bruised hands and elbows.
  And so, to finals day. The toss was
lost, and Guards CC was asked to
bowl on what was now a very damp
wicket. The surface itself was a mat,
nailed down on top of the hard
ice. As the ice underneath the mat
melted, the water would pool on the
surface, requiring furious sweeping
of the wicket between overs. The
tightest bowling performance of
our tournament saw the hosts lim-
ited to 104, with an astonishing div-
ing catch removing St Moritz’s star batsman before he could really take hold. The batting order for the final was selected based on strike rate; the first, and probably last, time that data driven selection has been used at Guards CC. The openers made full use of the ‘Power Play,’ halved the deficit within six overs and the middle order finished the game with a boundary. Guards CC were champions, and no one was quite sure how to react, least in Kenya from where the Coldstream Guards were following the live-stream. Surely there was some mistake? Would a steward’s enquiry have to be launched? Thankfully, neither was necessary, and the trophy
was presented to the team at the Gala Dinner.
I would like to thank the generos- ity of the Regimental Headquarters and the Sandhurst Trust, who have financially contributed to enable this tour to take place. The Cricket on Ice committee has kindly invited Guards CC back next year to defend its title, and dreams of being on that mountain train out of Zürich next February have already begun.
For scorecards and further information on Cricket on Ice, please visit –
Guards CC Squad: Lt Robert Cross WG ©, Capt Jeremy Bushell L/G (wk.), Maj Christopher Murphy RHG/D, Capt (Retd.) Anthony Jackson SG, Capt Charlie Longstaff SG, Capt Paul Razzall WG, Capt (Retd.) Dom Titcomb RL, Capt Humphrey Bucknall COLDM GDS, Capt (Retd.) Matt Burrows COLDM GDS, Capt Ted Bennett GREN GDS, Capt Dean Guidera IG.
As the ice underneath the mat melted, the water would pool on the surface, requiring furious sweeping of the wicket between overs

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