Page 19 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 19

I came for the fight not just the Phys
Sandhurst facilitates and strives for sports and physical fitness for a wide range of individu- als. These include sports afternoons, personal physical development and scheduled physical training sessions.
Sports Afternoons
There is a whole host of sports on offer at the Acad- emy suited to individuals’ own goals and personal welfare. Their focus is either physical development, improvement of assessed skills or, if they are in need of an escape, from the mental and physical demands of their respective course.
OCdt Bennett
dent Somme company in the final.” In relation to Wednesday training “unfortunately, having only had one session so far, things are yet to pick up but the potential talent all around and the gift of three goalkeepers for a squad of 14 will surely lead to only good things going forward.”
OCdt Ashby was part of the rugby team and has provided the following account; “A fantastic after- noon which saw Borneo play 7 a side on a full- sized pitch which wasn’t exhausting enough after 1 game, let alone 5, plus a great opportunity to meet other OCdts and Permanent Staff. Rugby was an
 This year the two most popular
sports have been British Army War-
rior Fitness (BWAF) and boxing,
with orienteering closely follow-
ing. The popularity of orienteering
stems from the OCdts having the
desire to develop their cardiovas-
cular fitness and navigation ability.
This is in the midst of the numer-
ous navigation tests which take the
form of orienteering routes in both
day and night over varying training
areas. This allowed the OCdts to develop their own confidence and move away from relying on their partners for the navigation work.
A number of our International Cadets have taken up horse riding for the first time and are thoroughly enjoying the experience. There is also hockey, foot- ball, rugby, swimming, cross country, basketball and clay shooting on offer. The 4 Sports afternoons this term have provided the OCdts with a chance to unwind and try a new sport.
Intercompany Sports Competitions
On 18th October an intercompany sports competi- tion was held across the whole college, featuring sports from cross country to BAWF. Fellow OCdts from Borneo Company have provided an account of their events.
OCdt Hind, “despite being a team of people who had never played together and even in some cases people having never picked up a hockey stick before, Borneo Company hockey club cruised to overall victory easily beating a very confi-
...the ability to be aggressive yet walk off the pitch and have some cold pints with the other team and laugh it all off is priceless
easy choosing, the social aspect of it, the fitness, the ability to be aggressive yet walk off the pitch and have some cold pints with the other team and laugh it all off is priceless.”
OCdt Campbell, Allen, and Shone rep- resented Borneo Company at the final event of the day, BAWF bringing home the Bronze medal. The whole college congregated in Montgomery gym to cheer on their respective teams, creat- ing an intense atmosphere. With help
from the chants from the crowd, each OCdt com- peting pushed themselves physically to the brink of their capabilities.
Personal Sport
After the first 5 weeks, the OCdts experienced newfound freedom with greater responsibility placed on their shoulders. A number of the OCdts have now taken up the opportunity to utilise the time prior to breakfast at 0500hrs to conduct their own physical training in the gym, as any other time in the day is uncertain to be available for them to conduct this. There have also been occasional slots on weekends and mid-week for OCdts to conduct running or tabbing over Barossa train- ing area or utilise the extensive gym facilities that RMAS provides.
My passion and chosen sport is boxing, where, after 10 long weeks, I had the privilege of being selected as team captain of the junior boxing team and 9th fight on the night.

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