Page 21 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 21

demeanour discussing the final elements with my coach but my feet had to stay firmly planted as I could feel my leg wanting to shake.
Once my name had been called and I was facing my opponent, my face turned dead pan and my gaze lowered. After touching gloves, the hail of punches ensued. The first 30 seconds or so was a close match with blow for blow landing from each opponent. We were stuck in a bit of a milling match, being unable to move off the line or fully use some of the techniques we had been practising. To begin with, I was convinced that it would unfold the same as the Wednesday prior with a tough match between us, with OCdt Duke coming out victorious. However, one blow to my jaw was all that was required to completely alter the dynamics of the fight. Something flicked inside and I went for a whole new technique compared to what I was used to. Prior to this, I would work on keeping the fight long as my reach was far
Under the sound of bagpipes, we were paraded along the halls of New College which was lined with all the staff members in mess dress applaud- ing us. I was able to catch my Platoon Commander who was ecstatic with mine and junior intakes’ results. A pint was enjoyed whilst we had the opportunity to chat to all the instructors and head of the Army boxing team until we retired to our lines for another day of life at Sandhurst.
Now that it is over for this term, there is a small part of me that does feel slightly empty as all the hard work we have put in over the past 10 weeks has come to a close. But with Montgomery’s Mark fast approaching, everyone’s focus has firmly shifted to that challenge that lays ahead. For myself, I endeavour to continue boxing throughout inters purely to improve my skills and maintain the daily fitness as it is an excellent start to the day. My goal for juniors was to fight on the night; however, I am
 greater than hers but it resulted in
many one for one blows. But after
taking inspiration from the Army
boxing match on the Friday prior, I
brought the fight up close. What fol-
lowed was blow after blow of upper
cuts and hooks to my opponent
pinning them to the ropes. This
swiftly ended in a cease fight and
an end to the 3 bouts after only 1 minute of fighting in the first round. At first, I did not believe that was it until my coach confirmed the result. I was surprised at the duration but still felt I had so much more to give. The days following, I felt like I was missing something and was desperate to get back in the ring or at least carry on training. But the Academy’s main focus is safety, so it would have been unfair to carry on the fight. Afterwards, myself and OCdt Duke shared a pint and chatted about her success so far with Regimental Selection Board results. Alongside boxing, many of the inters were battling with the struggles of Regimental Selection Board. This varied from still waiting for interviews, to those kept waiting for the results.
After my immediate post-fight medical, I raced upstairs to witness the final fight, which summed up the evening brilliantly with a close fight. After that, all the teams were walked out under the cheers of the crowd for prizegiving. As team cap- tain, I had the privilege of collecting the trophy for the Old College overall win. From then on, the time was ticking down until a well-deserved pint in the officer’s mess.
Something flicked inside and I
went for a whole new technique compared to what I was used to
aware that for inters this opportunity will be presented to other very well- deserved members. The scope is to continue this sport once at unit. Since starting from no experience at the start of juniors, I have certainly developed a love for the sport and it provides an excellent outlet throughout the dura- tion of the course.
However, none of this would be possible without the dedication and care of the highly professional PT staff here at the Academy. Staff Sergeant Cous- ins has been the head instructor running this and doing everything possible to facilitate our training and the boxing night. This was all supported by a number of highly skilled staff all with experienced in boxing or MMA.

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