Page 22 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 22

  The Junior Term – A Platoon Commander’s Perspective
Capt Mellor LANCS
When the results of the RMAS Platoon Commander Assign- ment board were released in December 2021, I was delighted to see my name among those selected to instruct at the Academy! Like most Officers, I remember my time as an OCdt very fondly, and since commis- sioning, I have often considered what life might be like ‘on the other side of the curtain.’ Having now spent two terms instructing the Junior Term of the Regular Commissioning Course, I have
Whilst much of the Junior Term pro- gramme focuses on navigation, Section attacks and marching up and down the square, arguably the most important output of the term, is to ‘set the com- pass’ for the OCdts to act as leaders in line with the Army’s Ethos, Values and Standards. What is far more reward- ing than watching a well-executed
seen that the role of an RMAS Instructor offers both the challenge and reward which I enjoyed so much as an OCdt.
As an instructor, Platoon Advance to Con- tact, is seeing a Platoon of
 Whilst the Junior Term
syllabus is the most
basic of the course; it
is also where the learn-
ing curve for the OCdts
is most steep. In just 14
weeks, OCdts go from
little/no military experience,
pleting the Combat Estimate planning process, delivering orders and con- ducting reconnaissance and platoon deliberate attacks with minimal guid- ance. As an instructor, it is a genuine privilege to facilitate this development and watch the OCdts’ skill and con- fidence grow as they complete key
ishes and just two weekends in each 14-week term, the pace of life is unre- lenting for instructors as well as OCdts. But despite its challenges, instructing the Junior Term has given me a valu- able and rewarding opportunity to re- visit my own skills and to deliver train- ing which I truly hope will stand the OCdts in good stead for years to come.
it is a genuine privilege to facilitate this development and watch the OCdts’ skill and confidence grow
OCdts (who 14 weeks ago had never even heard of CDRILS) embodying the Values and Standards in their everyday words and actions.
Being a Platoon Com- mander in Juniors isn’t without its challenges. With early starts, late fin-
to com-

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