Page 35 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 35

                 An International Cadet’s Perspective
For our International OCdts and their guests, this event was a window into British Army tra- dition, and it was an honour for all to be made
a part of it. The vignettes were very impressive, especially when hearing about the OCdts’ disci- pline and hard work. It was great for the guests to meet the OCdts from both the UK and overseas, and through incredible discussions, learn how much we all really have in common. The theme of the dinner night was particularly inspiring, espe- cially for my guest who still remembers the war of the late 90s in Kosovo and how important it was to remain ‘cheerful in the face of adversity’ through- out this conflict. Seeing what is happening around the world today, it is important for nights like this to remember what we are meant to protect and ultimately why we do what we do.
A special thanks should go to all those who par- ticipated in organising the night, but particularly to the dinner night committee, consisting of OCdts Shankland, Douglas, Clarke, Steele, Herridge and
OCdt Brahimi
Officer Cadet Brahimi (Kosovo) pictured with her sister
Brownlow, as well as Flight Lieutenant McKiernan for his oversight and guidance of the committee. We would also like to thank the mess staff and catering manager for providing an excellent menu with seamless service throughout the night. The night was thoroughly enjoyed by all OCdts, guests, and permanent staff alike and could not have been conducted without your hard work. So, once again, thank you.
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