Page 36 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 36

  Gaza Company Dinner Night
OCdt Treloar
On 18th July 2023, Gaza Company gathered for their Intermediate Term Company Dinner Night.
The event in question was a perfect opportunity for friends and family of the OCdts of Gaza Company to spend quality time together. The theme of the night was inspiration, and it was hard not to be inspired when the night began with a special guest arriving in the new AH64-E Apache.
fortunate to have the Sandhurst Band play the Regimental marches of our staff which provided the night with entertainment and ambience. We then heard from several OCdts who gave short vignettes about their experi- ence and inspirations for joining the Army and specifically Sandhurst. After a farewell speech from the Company Commander and the National anthem,
To start the night, we
reflected together in the
chapel with a theme
of resilience, a mixture
of hymns to lift spir-
its and readings from
OCdts allowed all to
look back at the men-
tal and physical resil-
ience we have shown
over the course and
how plenty more will
be required as we com-
mission and fulfil our
roles as young officers.
Special mention must go to OCdt Al- Mamari for an incredible reading from the Quran – something which will be new to most but a fantastic opportu- nity to share culture with our guests. After another impressive reflection from OCdt Clarke, guests moved to the anteroom for a non-alcoholic pre-drink and a chance to socialise with other guests and showcase the facilities that we have in New College.
Many thanks must go to the dedicated mess staff for the presentation of the dining room and the food provided. During the courses, we were again
OCdts Davidson and Al- Khalifa gave a toast to the King and the Heads of state of our international colleagues.
Moving back to the ante- room, we had the oppor- tunity for drinks and a final chance to socialise with guests and staff, an ideal end to a productive evening. Overall, the night was used as a chance for OCdts to appreciate their friends and family whilst
experiencing a formal dinner and learn- ing to host guests within the setting of an Officers’ Mess. This gave an insight into military dining, etiquette and host- ing that will be expected throughout our careers in the future.
I would like to thank the committee for all the hard work they contrib- uted to making this event possible and all guests, staff and OCdts for a truly enjoyable evening that will help strengthen our bond as a Company as we move into the Senior Term.
 The theme of
the night was inspiration, and it was hard not to be inspired when the night began with a special guest arriving in the new AH64-E Apache

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