Page 55 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 55

  Furthermore, the dynamism of Inkerman Com- pany was tested to a greater extent with orders to conduct several offensive actions, including the execution of Raids, Quick Attacks and Advances to Contact. These tested our ability to conduct the estimate process whilst sleep deprived, deliver orders, and also familiarised us with the symbi- otic relationship between defensive and offensive actions. The Quick Attacks also built on the Com- pany’s ability to swiftly integrate reconnaissance information and assets into our Quick Battle Orders (QBOs). Furthermore, the attachment of a GPMG group provided us with a greater fire support capa- bility which was integrated into the
various actions, proving to be a valuable asset and force multiplier for both the offensive and defensive actions.
This required effective co-ordination and commu- nication between the platoons in order to execute a counter-attack, clearing our MDP of all enemy
Overall, the exercise highlighted the necessity for defensive operations to be supplemented by offensive actions, a lesson which is ever more appar- ent in the war in Ukraine. The exer- cise was satisfying as our endurance was tested by the challenges posed by rapidly adapting from a defensive to an offensive mindset. In command appointments, this meant focusing on motivating others to execute spe- cific actions whether it was digging MDPs or assaulting enemy positions. Furthermore, the reduction in sleep dramatically built cohesion within the
 The final phase of the exercise
saw the Company move to occupy
a Battle Group Northern Main
Defensive Area (MDA(N)), orien-
tated around a strategic runway.
This tested our occupation and
establishment of positions whilst
fatigued but having also learnt a
huge amount from the experience
of occupying the initial defensive
area. The Company ’s establishment
of this second MDP also meant that we could thor- oughly practice the collation and production of our Surveillance and Target Acquisition Plan (STAP). This cascaded down the chain of command, stressing the responsibility of each individual to shape the STAP through the accurate completion of range cards.
The effectiveness of the Company was tested on the final day of Ex SLIM’S STAND as the enemy launched a dawn attack on the MDPs dug by four, five and six Platoon over the previous 24 hours.
platoons; we also realised that we needed to make plans as simple as possible to ensure that tasks were prioritised and completed as efficiently as possible. I learnt the importance of maintaining an alertness towards those who needed to be circu- lated in task completions, including myself. Lastly, the attack on our MDPs exposed the complexities of combatting enemy forces within a wider MDA of friendly forces. This highlighted the importance of maintaining awareness and ensuring everyone understands all aspects of deconfliction and bat- tlespace management.
The exercise highlighted
the necessity
for defensive operations to be supplemented by offensive actions, a lesson which
is ever more apparent in the war in Ukraine

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