Page 72 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 72

  Impressions from a Platoon Staff Sgt
SSgt Steer
Senior Term has come around very quickly, and it doesn’t seem pos- sible that this intake will soon be commissioning, yet all have now been selected and confirmed for their regi- ments and corps – the corridors in the platoon accommodation brimming with flags, posters and mottos showing off newfound pride in their cap badges.
Week 1 started off the term with a bang (or at least a cry of Highport! Check Bayonet! EN GARDE!) with the OCdts first being taught the use of the bayo- net and then tested on the infamously challenging bayonet lane.
Exercises in the Senior Term also pre- sented a new challenge – a realistic civilian population – which became increasingly complex throughout the term and presented the OCdts with a steep learning curve.
ing staff as they prepare for their next role as Platoon or Troop Command- ers. As part of this, I have noticed the
 These exercises also provided valuable les- sons for the directing staff, with the impor- tance of leaders and their decision-making on stabilisation opera- tions being particularly highlighted for me.
Exercises in the Senior Term also presented a new challenge – a realistic civilian population
OCdts really settle into being leaders, understand- ing their natural leadership styles and so being con- fident to use their com- mand appointments both in camp and in the field to experiment with their approach to leadership and adapt their style to suit the situation they are faced
 Personally, the most enjoyable part of this term has been to witness the OCdts taking on more responsibility throughout the term, and adminis- trating themselves effectively without input from myself or the other direct-
with – from experience I know personal leadership is never a finished product and this habit of experimentation and flexibility will serve them well as they grow in their future roles and move through their careers.

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