Page 87 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 87

On Saturday the 15th of May, five OCdts from Inkerman Company embarked on a lengthy, and somewhat cramped journey up the M6
and into deepest, darkest Scotland. OCdt Depel, who requested to join the expedition, mainly because in his mind it was an activity that was spent sitting on a seat (a much-cherished disposi- tion). He assumed the week would be relaxing. Lit- tle did he know of the hellish torment that awaited his lower limbs and associated areas.
In classic fashion, OCdt Crawford (expedition leader) showcased his organisational skills by booking us an extremely spacious lodge to stay in. Upon arriving, we met Rob, the instructor, who would take us for the week. Having spun a suffi- cient number of impressive dits about our gruelling exercises in Barossa and Normandy to the Para- chute Regiment Corporal, we retired for what was to be a demanding few days.
The week began with an introduction to basics. We were taken on a beginner trail at Glenlivet trail cen- tre which possessed some features for the more daring of the group to tackle. Following on from that (and for the rest of the week) we moved to the trails of Lagan Wolftrax and High Burnside with the difficulty and elevation ramping up. Most in the group proved to be naturals. OCdt Whale’s deter- mination to do the most cycling (and running for some reason) every day displayed his remarkable
OCdt Depel
engine that pulled his bike all over the highland trails. OCdt Gillespie regularly showed his aerody- namism, popping off rocky features. Unfortunately, we discovered that what feels like being 100m in the air translates to about 2 inches when caught on camera.
OCdt Miskulin kindly kept OCdt Depel company as he pushed his bike up the (many) hills as he won- dered whether he should have gone rock-climbing in Wales instead. The evenings were taken up pre- dominately by some post cycling analysis whilst sampling some of the local refreshments where we discussed in great detail the development points in our riding and what the next day would hold. A notable shout out must go to the team who were also crowned the Cairngorm hotel weekly pub quiz champions.

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