Page 88 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 88

OCdt Anderson
The exercise took place from 15-21 April with the first and last days being dedicated to administration and travel. We arrived at Bala in North Wales in the early afternoon after a joint supermarket food shop on the route to the base location. The accommodation was a very well-kept secluded farmhouse in Cerrigydrudion. We moved in, fought over rooms, unpacked, issued out kit, and prepared for an early start the following morning. Our instructor, a civilian named Rhys, met us at the accommodation in the morning of the first day for an introductory brief on safety, scope and expec- tations. The first day was at the National Outdoor Centre at Plas Y Brenin for basic safety and paddle techniques. Once we could stop ourselves float- ing downstream, we went on our first, very short, instructor-led route down the river for our first exposure to moving water.
We only had five days on the water, so progression had to be quick; to that end, day two was at Mile End Mill in Llangollen for white water kayaking tactics and techniques including getting into and out of eddies and wave surfing. We also contin- ued white water safety planning and rescues. Days three and four were continuations of that progres- sion with more emphasis on leadership and being responsible for our own routes downriver.
By the final day on the water, we were kayaking grade 3-4 rapids and spent the entire day rotating through leadership positions with our instructor there as safety, only significantly involved for the final rapid section under Llangollen Bridge. We put
out our own throw lines, rescued our own boats, and conducted our own risk assessments.
On the final day, part of our route took us through Mile End Mill, where we had been learning the basics on the second day. This highlighted to us how far we’d progressed since we first paddled on moving water. Throughout the week, we’d been pushed into our ‘stretch zone’ for the white-water elements and our leadership on the water was a crucial element for development.
The week was thoroughly enjoyed by all, a much- needed break from the usual training schedule and helped foster positive attitudes towards adventure training. AT funding covered most costs; however, the contribution from the Sandhurst Trust gave us the financial flexibility and freedom to fully enjoy ourselves.

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