Page 11 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 11

                                 Regimental Headquarters
(Nottingham Outstation)
Ms Cindy Clark. Assistant Regimental Secretary
The new Crich Warden and his partner
       2023 has been another busy year of events. So many things happen behind the scenes to ensure that the regiments heritage and commitments are honoured and that the Veterans are included in as much as possible.
The year started with many challenges
at Crich but thankfully Paul and Jackie Rice came back in the spring, after their retirement travels, to assist and ensure that the site was soon back to looking as it should. Although a difficult time, the pulling together by so many, especially in the veteran community, was humbling and testament to the sentiments regarding the site. Thank you
to all those that helped in various ways. By the Autumn, we were able to say Happy Retirement (again) to the Rices and were delighted to welcome the New Warden, Mr Martin Gration. Martin, along with his partner Sophie, who has transformed the tea-room, are settling in very well and we wish them a long and successful tenure.
In respect of Crich, we have launched some new initiatives that we hope will raise much need funds for the site. For the cost of a couple of fancy coffees, you can become a Friend of Crich and for a limited time, receive a complimentary, and unique, tea-towel. We also have memorial plaques for sale. These are the same grade plaques as seen in cemeteries but without the leasing costs (it is a one-off payment). The porcelain plaques are available to purchase in the memory of anyone who loved the site and will be placed in the Memorial Garden. Further details
of both items can be obtained from RHQ Mercian (Nottingham)
In early February, I joined the veterans and other guests in visiting 1 MERCIAN in Picton Barracks, Bulford. The CO, Lt Col Dean Canham OBE and WOI (RSM) Marc Giles CGC hosted us marvellously and everyone was invited to look around both the Officers and the WO’s & Sgt’s Mess’s and visit the various stands that the soldiers were working
on, to showcase the work they do. The CO also presented the Union flag, from the coffin of Cpl Pearce, to his family. Cpl Pearce had been honoured with a CWGC rededication of his grave in 2022 but at the time, there was no contact with the family.
The 4 April saw the delayed visit of HRH The Princess Royal take place, for the unveiling of The Sentry, a statue in Norton, Worcestershire that stands on the ground of the old barracks. It was a privilege assisting in the organisation of the event and working with 1 MERCIAN and the WFRA, whom enjoyed meeting the Princess.
And then a couple of days later, on the 6 April it was the Badajoz Commemoration service in Nottingham. With the Castle being closed, the City welcomed members of The Mercian Regiment and the WFRA veteran community to parade in the centre and following the address and Act of Remembrance, hosted us in the Council House.
The WFRA Reunion on 3 June, was well attended and the Worcester RCF made us very welcomed. A sunny but somewhat windy day where our veterans got together with friends of old, made new ones, engaged with the serving soldiers and raised a glass to absent friends. Revd Peter Hart lead the Drumhead Service and Lt Col Brown, CO 1M, gave an engaging address and then took the salute when the veterans paraded to rapturous applause. Music for the day was provided by the Tenbury Town Band and
the event was supported by the Regimental Mascot, the IET, soldiers of 1 MERCIAN and the Worcester Branch WFRA.
2023 saw the 100th anniversary of the Crich Pilgrimage. Every year we remember those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and to mark the occasion, there were a few changes; the Civic Dignitaries were hosted on site, alongside some other guests for who we wanted to thank for their contribution to
Mr Rice’s award
  The WFRA Reunion 2023
the site and RHQ, there were extra stalls and complimentary food for those that assisted and some of our veterans. It was a truly memorable day. Following the Pilgrimage, The Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire presented Paul Rice (who had come back as temporary warden at the time) with the Lord Lieutenant’s Meritorious Voluntary Service certificate for his magnificent work during his tenure as Warden. A well deserved award.
It was heartening to see how wreaths were laid by both Mercian Officers and soldiers and WFRA veterans at various locations, for Remembrance.

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