Page 13 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 13

 OC Maj Tom Onion
2IC Capt Jazz Burridge Self-proclaimed ‘Godfathers’ – Lt Col Dean Canham OBE
Lt Col Rich Grover MBE
                                Gheluvelt Company
Gheluvelt Company was formed in 2022 to serve all officers, serving and retired, of the Regiment, and its antecedent Regiments. The Company exists as a framework to link in with old friends/marras, and to understand opportunities both within and beyond the Army.
The centrepiece of the
Gheluvelt Company year is the
Gheluvelt Company networking event and dinner night. This year it was held at the Army and Navy club. I’m hugely thankful to our speakers for the day, including on the military side, Maj Gen (Retd) Dr Andrew Sharpe giving us an insightful look at the geo-political context in which we find ourselves, Capt Josh Butt bringing the concept of the Ranger Regiment to life, Capt Luke Breen keeping us up to date with NATO’s operating model and Lt Col Charlie Brunskill, Maj Dave Smith and Maj Mark Cooke giving us a view as to the future of Boxer.
On the civilian side, we heard from
Lt Col (Retd) Andy Mclannahan on his transition into PA Consulting, Dave Paget on opportunities at Turner and Townsend, Jack
Lt Col (Retd) Andy McLannahan briefs on his transition into PA Consulting and exploiting the network
The Gheluvelt Company is seated for dinner
Bellfield and his expansive journey through consulting, Paddy Power and being self- employed, Dave Maddock’s perspectives on what to prioritise in life both in and out of service, and Josh Mulira’s experience in wealth management. Thank you to all our speakers for giving us your time.
The initial feedback from the networking event indicates that London is the place to do it. We have a broad church – with some audiences wanting more on the Army/ Defence, while some desire ever more broad civilian experiences, and some just want a coffee or beer with their marras. The networking event will evolve over time to balance these competing needs – but it will only work if we build upon this years’ solid foundation with ever greater attendance.
The dinner night was a straight-forward, but relaxed affair which really offered the opportunity to link in with old friends and network with other Mercians one may not have known quite as well. It was lovely
to receive a response to Loyal Greetings from His Majesty The King (thank you to Maj Paul Marriott for the assistance) to
start the dinner night, and then the magic ingredients of old friends, regimental silver and a few glasses of wine seemed to ensure that the conversation was flowing and that the event was well enjoyed.
Each quarter, OC Gheluvelt Company will distribute a newsletter highlighting upcoming events and opportunities. This will include Regimental Duty jobs and
Capt Gareth Clements, Dan Hinxman MBE, Maj Martyn Chatterley and Maj Mark Cooke enjoy the opportunity for a reunion
when they become available, an invitation to a Company ‘smoker’ in Bulford in the summer, informal Christmas drinks, and the annual networking event and dinner night in London, which will always be on the last Thursday of October. Should any readers wish to sign up to the distribution list for the newsletter please email steven. The same information will be made available on LinkedIn – search ‘Mercian Regiment Officers’ Group.’
As I hand over the mantle of OC Gheluvelt Company, I’m hugely privileged to have been the founding OC of the Company, and for the idea to have been so strongly supported by all. This is just the beginning for Gheluvelt Company, and I hugely look forward to returning to events as a veteran!
Next key date: 31 Oct 24 –
Gheluvelt Company Networking Event and Dinner, London, details TBC.
        The Gheluvelt Company

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