Page 19 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 19

  For more information visit page 92.
                                 3 Platoon
Lt Rich Langley
A (Grenadier) Company’s main effort this year was training for and deploying on
Ex IRON CYCLONE as part of the KRH Battlegroup. The first phase involved live firing in Castlemartin. Long, hot days were spent on both dismounted and armoured ranges, enabling the company to later integrate and launch live armoured platoon attacks in less than three weeks. Soldiers displayed typical Grenadier spirit, working and playing hard, making the most of the weather with BBQs in camp and on the beach. Throughout, we worked to integrate as a battle group by running dismounted live fire tactical training and GPMG ACMTs for our Royal Armoured Corps brethren. Next came the field phase on Salisbury Plain. For the first two weeks, the Combined Arms Manoeuvre centre called on the expertise of our warrior commanders
in order to supervise students on the Armoured Infantry Commanders Course (AICC). This saw the company conducting a variety of low level dry mounted training, always seeking to maximise cooperation between the dismounted troops and Warrior AFVs. Particular highlights were trench clearance and the final attack onto Copehill Down Village which included the beginnings of combined arms integration.
With the students now qualified and away, the Grenadiers united with the
KRH battle group for two weeks of BG
level training. Using the Tactical Effects Simulator (TES), we faced a live and unpredictable enemy eager to catch us
off guard. Fortunately, smooth integration with the tank squadrons achieved in the weeks before, would pay off, allowing us to rapidly manoeuvre, concentrate force and generate shock action against the enemy positions we encountered. With the entirety of the Plain on which to train, we were able to conduct a rich panoply of battlegroup actions including delays, defences, obstacle crossings and attacks - all by both day and night. These efforts were rewarded by a day of force on force which saw the Grenadiers and a squadron of tanks fight tooth and nail to deny crossings over the Berril Valley. The culmination of many long days and nights of training resulted in a successful run out for the BG and for A (Grenadier) Coy.
A Section from 3 PL on the break in to a wood block on Ex IRON CYCLONE, Salisbury Plain Jul 23
 Two warriors of 3 PL moving non tactically on Ex IRON CYCLONE, Salisbury Plain Jul 23
 A 3 PL Warrior manoeuvring in the attack on Ex IRON CYCLONE, Salisbury Plain Sep 23

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