Page 17 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 17

                                  1 Platoon
A (Grenadier) Company have conducted several low level training iterations this year, most notably Ex FURIES GRENADIER and Ex KARDA GRENADIER. Ex FURIES GRENADIER was an opportunity to train, practice, and rigorously test key areas of the Armoured Infantry Battle Craft Syllabus (BCS) on Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA). Although more exotic training areas exist the chalk downlands are
the ideal testing grounds for armoured infantry fighting vehicles (AFVs) and their crews, as long as you avoid the protected butterflies. This intensive training regimen was particularly critical as the company prepared to integrate in to the KRH battlegroup. FURIES GRENADIER focused on education, especially for the more junior soldiers within the company. The exercise familiarised them with the intricacies of
the Warrior AFV, its capability, tactical employment and most importantly how to keep it on the road. This hands-on exposure not only deepened the understanding
of equipment but also empowered the junior members to actively contribute to
the evolving tactics and techniques of A (Grenadier) Company. A three way rotation of mounted training, dismounted training and an opportunity to replicate the enemy threat gave ample opportunity for individual and collective competence to grow under the watchful gaze of experienced members of the company.
Building on the success of Ex FURIES GRENADIER, A (Grenadier) Coy deployed on Ex KARDA GRENADIER on Leek training area. This was a short but intense training event at the company-level focusing on dismounted close combat
skills and aiming to refine individual and collective competency learned on SPTA. The exercise involved synchronised
testing of all three platoons with training objectives designed to test them in a range of scenarios, including advance to contacts, deliberate attacks, reconnaissance and Fighting In Woods And Forests
(FIWAF). Company standard
operating procedures (SOPs)
Exercise KARDA GRENADIER – A (Grenadier) Company after the final attack May 23
Ex FURIES GRENADIER – Vehicle 51Z of 1 Platoon adopting a hide location overlooking Salisbury Plain March 23
Ex FURIES GRENADIER – A (Grenadier) Company completing a road move across Salisbury Plain March 23
were practiced, tested and rewritten, ensuring they are fit for purpose in the rural environment. The exercise also served to enhance the overall cohesion and effectiveness of the company
shaping a more resilient and professional organisation.
Exercise KARDA GRENADIER – A (Grenadier) Company Section Commander briefing his soldiers in Leek training area May 23
 Exercises KARDA and FURIES GRENADIER are stepping stones for the A (Grenadier) Company but have given new and experienced soldiers confidence in their kit, equipment and fellow Grenadiers to their left and right.
Exercise KARDA GRENADIER – 2 Section 1 Platoon Patrolling across Leek training area May 23

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