Page 4 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
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                                  I would like to start by putting on record my sincere appreciation for all that you, The Mercian Regiment, have achieved this year. Our strength comes from the fact that we exist within a cohesive, close knit, family Regiment with strong bonds to our counties, and which also quickly welcomes all who join our team. I include our families, support networks and the employers who support those who serve in 4 MERCIAN and those who form the spine of our affiliated cadet units, and Regimental Associations.
It is these bonds and this cohesion which give us the capacity to deliver across busy programmes. And 2023 has been no different with much achieved which you will see detailed through
this edition. It has also been a year of commemoration and celebration for The Regiment, set against a steady drumbeat of operational and training requirements given fresh impetus by current global events.
The coronation of His Majesty The King and
Her Majesty Queen Camilla, Op GOLDEN ORB, saw representation from all branches of the Armed Forces parading from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace as part of the Coronation Procession. This included an extremely smart Mercian Regiment detachment whose presence was clear for all to see with oak leaves resplendent in caps.
The 1st Battalion’s schedule has been packed full
of multiple training serials and preparations required for assured readiness. They have also supported, within the Divisional cycle, readiness training for other battle groups to include operating as Task Force HANNIBAL (a force which operates
as a contemporary adversary) in Germany on Exercise IRON STORM. They have also generated the capacity to run specialist weapons cadres, and to deploy to both Texas and Sweden on multinational training events. Through careful calibration the CO and his team have also generated the time to enhance
the quality of life for our soldiers through providing sporting opportunity which is detailed elsewhere in these pages.
The 4th Battalion have shifted their focus towards provision of a Warfighting Increment to reinforce key capabilities and capacity in the 1st Battalion. This will be a challenging task as it requires most of the Battalion. And if this was not enough, they have also generated teams to deliver the Operation INTERFLEX task, the threat-focussed training package to members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as supporting Op ILKANE, to support the UK Border Force in maintaining the integrity of the UK Border. The Battalion has also deployed soldiers to reinforce the 7 RIFLES deployment to Ex BALTIC FIST in Estonia and to reinforce 1 MERCIAN on Ex IRON STORM.
I would also like to offer my sincere congratulations to
both the 1st and 4th Battalions for their efforts in this year’s
Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL, which saw both teams achieve silver,
and to the 1 MERCIAN football team who won this year’s Infantry cup.
2023 marked 100 years since the very first pilgrimage to the Regimental memorial at Crich. The occasion of
The Crich Centenary was marked as
a special one by The Regiment, which saw a commemorative booklet created, and increased attendance from all members of the Regimental family. While it was the first pilgrimage without the 2nd Battalion Colour Party, the 1st and 4th Battalions did an excellent
job. We thank the civic dignitaries and members of our Regimental family for ensuring the day was well attended and that the occasion was suitably commemorated.
Prior to the centenary service itself The Regiment saw the opening of the Crich Memorial Garden, on the site
of the Memorial Tower. The garden has been through various stages of development since 2018 with the help
and funding of The Freemasons Derbyshire.
The garden was officially opened by The Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, accompanied by
The High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Visitors to the memorial tower can now rest in the garden, just below the Tea Room, where they may sit in quiet contemplation.
A few months after the coronation saw His Majesty King Charles III select a new Colonel in Chief for The Mercian Regiment, with The Prince
of Wales, Prince William appointed. His Majesty was Colonel in Chief since The Regiment’s formation in 2007, and so after 16 years The Regiment’s Royal patron has been passed to the new Earl of Chester, which is a significant honour for us. HRH The Prince of Wales is already deeply engaged with his Regiment, and we can expect a deep and sincere commitment to our Family from him. The King’s association with the Regiment
and its antecedents began in 1977 and so he will remain a significant part of The Regiment’s heritage, but our future is now aligned with great pride to our new Colonel in Chief. We have already enjoyed an initial visit in November where The Prince of Wales visited Bulford where he received a brief on the Warrior Armoured Fighting Vehicle, and then travelled in a warrior to observe an exercise conducted by the battalion. He then spoke to numerous groups from both the 1st and 4th Battalions.
Next year will see ‘Mercian Connect’ released to The Regimental Family; an app for your smartphone, tablet, or computer, where you can find out the latest in Regimental News and engage with other members of The Regimental Family. More news on that will be released in due course, but never has communications been so important as we seek to stay connected as a Regimental Family.
Once again, thank you for all that you do to further enhance the fine reputation and warfighting readiness of our Regiment.
Lieutenant General Ian Cave CB Colonel of the Regiment

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