Page 6 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 6

                                 LCpl Derby XXXII
Cpl Phillip Thornton, Ram Major
2023 has been a very slow starting year for myself, the Ram Orderly, and LCpl Derby. In fact, it has been my quietest year to date as the Ram Major. LCpl Derby XXXII is getting older and less mobile now. He is 7-years old at the time of writing, and unfortunately is suffering with arthritis, which he is taking medication for on a daily basis.
Our first trip of the year started in March with LCpl Derby travelling to Ilkeston for
a grave rededication for a Pte Tingle, who unfortunately fell in the Great War.
From then the schedule began to pick up, with trips to Sin Fin Derby Golf Course, the Cheshire Military Museum, and our annual visit to Nottingham for Badajoz, which this year saw us back at Nottingham City Centre outside the Town Hall to raise the Scarlet Jacket once again. The highlight of April was when we met HRH Anne, Princess Royal at the Norton Statue Unveiling in Worcester; this was LCpl Derby XXXII’s 2nd time in meeting Her Royal Highness.
June saw our annual visit to Worcester for the Worcester Reunion, as well as trips to the National Memorial Arboretum for the MRVS Parade, which Derby can still manage as it’s only marching 100 metres. The month also saw a trip to Chester to represent the Regiment for Armed Forces Day.
Early in July we went to the Crich Centenary Dinner night in Nottingham Council House; it was great to see so many old faces of the Regiment there. We also went on our annual trip up to Crich, which was a special one with it being the 100 years since the very first Pilgrimage, which
went exceptionally well - we were lucky this year with great weather!
In late July we said goodbye to the Ram Orderly, Pte Joe Holmes, who has started a new career in the Army Air Corp. I wish Joe the best of luck, and a massive thank you for all his hard work over the last four years. We’ve welcomed Pte Kieran Bramley as the new Orderly, who has previously filled in as Ram Orderly, so he knows he has big shoes to fill!
August saw Pte Bramley officially undertake his first job as Ram Orderly at the Military Mascot Course at the Defence Animal Training Regiment where he performed very well, so a big well done to him.
September saw our annual trip up
to Malvern to support the Malvern Hills Challenge in aid of Help for Heroes, which LCpl Derby is an unofficial Patron of. LCpl Derby also made a trip to Worksop for another brave soldier for an official Grave Opening who unfortunately fell in the Great War.
October saw trips to the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks for a Gold Awards
night, and a trip to Worcester for the Gheluvelt Memorial Day, which is a calendar date for each year and one we are proud to support.
November saw us back at Pride Park where Derby is always loved for the Remembrance Game. Derby County beat fellow promotional hopes Barnsley 3-0, so it seems LCpl Derby brought them some luck! This was supported by 1 and 4 MERCIAN and the Regimental Associations, so thanks to everyone that made it happen!
We also saw a trip to a Nottingham care home to wish a former soldier of one of our antecedent regiments, Reginald Reddish, a happy 100th birthday, so congratulations on reaching that amazing milestone, sir!
December saw LCpl Derby and Notts go on their annual leave to Chatsworth once again, and LCpl Derby got to see his girlfriends there.
The Ram Orderly and I are looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for us, and we hope to have a busier year next year.

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