Page 7 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 7

                                                               Mercian Infantry Engagement Team
   Sgt A Rowley-Johnson
This year up at The Mercian Regiment Headquarters in Lichfield the soldiers
have been working under the Infantry Engagement Team. The year has been busy, taking the team to a new place
within the recruitment area weekly. Surges have included the Chatsworth Roadshow, Silverstone, and the Tanks Trucks and Firepower Demonstration exhibition. Separate to the IET we have also supported the wider Mercian family remembering
all those who have served. Soldiers were invited to help celebrate the 100th birthday of WW2 veteran Reginald Reddish. It was a fantastic day hearing the stories of his time in The Sherwood Foresters during the War. Alongside this the team have conducted many awards ceremony nights like the Hero awards held in Stoke-on-Trent. The soldiers professionalism working within the recruitment group has seen nothing but praise towards our troops for their outstanding efforts this year.
This year our very own LCpl Mitchell has managed to obtain his professional boxing licence. Working around
his daily routine LCpl
regardless of how busy he may be. After many months of conducting assessments, interviews and medicals LCpl Mitchell made his
debut on Sunday 3rd December. On the night he fought a tough and durable ex Royal Marine Joe Nakavulevu. LCpl Mitchell got his hand raised on the night via a
Balancing his job and his boxing, LCpl Mitchell hopes to remain busy and dreams of a packed-out crowd full of Mercians at a home show in the future.
Next year those up at The Mercian Regiment Headquarters begin life transitioning away from the Infantry engagement team. As always, our primary role will be recruiting the next generation
of Mercians. However, we will forever be supportive to those who have served or currently serve. Remembering our forebears is something we do with pride, and we
will continue showing our respects when required.
   Mitchell has dedicated himself to achieving
his goal of becoming
a boxer. His journey to the professional ranks began in Belfast fighting in the 2 MERCIAN Inter- Company tournament. This led him to Captain the Battalion Boxing team leading them to victory whilst based
Working around his daily routine LCpl Mitchell has dedicated himself to achieving his goal of becoming a boxer
 in Cyprus. Many hours have been put into the gym either before or after work
unanimous decision whilst proudly branding his Mercian Eagle on his fight shorts.

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