Page 48 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 48

                                HQ (Eagle) Company
       Capt Luke Boxall, 2IC
This training year has been hugely beneficial for all the troops at Wolverhampton, Kidderminster, and Worcester resulting
in increased numbers, qualifications and activity in both locations.
Wolverhampton ARC continues to grow in numbers including some very high quality JNCOs who transferred into the Coy. Training is moving forward with a reserve training team headed up by CSgt Bolus. We are focused on personal development of all troops from Pte to Officer across all locations.
goodbye, this has meant that Ptes from
the Platoon are now being empowered
to take responsibility in several tasks that were previously taken care of by Eileen. Pte Rowlands has taken the big (and important) task of running the Kidderminster bar and has been successfully running it for the last few months. During D/N (Drill Nights) a Pte is nominated as the duty Pte to ensure that all lights and doors are locked and that the ARC is secure at the end of the night.
Even though there has been a lack of instructors earlier in the year, a challenge that was identified early by CSgt Williams, the SPSI at Kidderminster and Worcester, things have significantly improved. Two Ptes (Freeman and Handley) have successfully passed and completed PJNCO (Potential Junior Non-Commissioned Officer) cadre. This was soon followed by several of the Platoon members getting qualified in a
skills. This area of training is going to be
a focus for us. It is not only the Ptes and JNCOs who have been receiving training. Developing Officers and Seniors has also been a focus area and has been included
in the training program. This culminated in the incident management response training conducted over a Bn weekend, where Seniors and Officers from other Companies also joined in.
During this training year, the Platoon
has also deployed on Ops. We currently have Cpl Burbeck and Cpl Harley training members of the Ukrainian forces in OP INTERFLEX, a 12-month deployment, where they are focusing on transforming Ukrainian civilians into soldiers. Members of the Platoon also deployed on OP GOLDEN ORB (the coronation), this included CSgt Perryman, CSgt Williams and Pte Bates. They were joined by CSgt Newell and Pte Hardiman from HQ Coy.
Working with the community is also very important for both ARCs. In November 2023, Capt Tyrer and CSgt Williams attended the 104th birthday of a Dunkirk veteran of the 7th Bn Worcestershire, a forebear regiment of 4 MERCIAN. Other community engagement events also included the Golden Awards, as well as introduced the Army Reserves and the work we do to local business in and around Kidderminster.
The platoon has also taken the chance to learn and be challenged in non-green related scenarios. A very enjoyable mountain bike weekend was organised and run by HQ Coy where the troops enjoyed the trails at Cannock Chase. Members of the platoon also participated in Skiing and hiking in Austria on Bn led Adventurous Training expeditions. Members of the Platoon have also joined in the new Bn Boxing team, they are currently training
in local gyms in preparation for future competitions.
All the troops of the AT Platoon, both Kidderminster and Worcester ARC, are positive about the future. The focus for the next few months will be on themed monthly training. This will allow for more detailed training to be run by the JNCOs and help develop the skills and drills necessary for a modern-day Army Reserve Infantry.
Worcester ARC (Army Reserve Centre) has doubled the number of parading troops as well as doubled the recruits. This has allowed for more Anti-Tank training to
be conducted both in the ARC but also
in the Malvern’s, where the troops have successfully used the thermal capacities
of the CLU (Command Launch Unit). As the ARC is shared with
214 Battery, combined
arms training has been
conducted at Worcester
where the AT Platoon
has taught support
weapons capabilities
and has joined in with
police restraint training.
This is a partnership
that is looking to grow
so that both units
can continue to train
together and learn how to operate in a combined arms environment.
Kidderminster ARC has also seen a lot
of change this year which has allowed
for further opportunities for the platoon members. Early in the training year, 2Lt Alex Boyer commissioned from Sandhurst.
2Lt Boyer was previously a Pte with the AT Platoon and has shown his qualities both as an OR (Other Rank) and now as an Officer. He is now taking a leading role in Worcester. Both are looking to attend regular Sandhurst in September 2024. We also said goodbye to Eileen, who retired from the caretaker role. The platoon got together to thank her and present her
with a memento of the amazing work she did at The Shrubbery. Although a sad
variety of different courses. This included DTTT (Defence Training the Trainer), M-Qual and BCDT (Battlefield Casualty Drills Trainer). Because of this we are now in a position where the troops are qualified and can provide additional training capacity in the Platoon. One of the highlights
has been Pte Holloman, who completed Module 3 and attended CMT 3 (Combat Medic Technician Level 3). This has given us an extra capability which the Platoon has not had in a few years. Soon we are looking to qualify more people through career courses, including more PNJCO cadres and PTI courses.
Training and developing is a theme
that is very important for us. Since empowering our JNCOs we are seeing
a higher attendance and more engaged lessons being run. This is especially true with the Urban training we are doing both on Bn weekends but also during D/Ns. Kidderminster now has access to an Urban Skills house and is using it to improve soldiers OBUA (Operation in Built Up Areas)
 Ptes from the Platoon are now being empowered to take responsibility in several tasks

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