Page 58 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
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                                  East Midlands UOTC
2Lt Saunders,
(Kohima) Coy, 4 MERCIAN
EMUOTC stands for East Midlands University Officers` Training Corps and is the OTC for students at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Loughborough University, University of Leicester, De Montfort University, University of Lincoln and the University of Derby. Just like other reserve units, EMUOTC who are based in Beeston, Nottingham, parade once a week and one weekend a month during university term time. Subsequently, many of the student Officer Cadets view EMUOTC as a university club and hobby with an army twist for which they are paid for. Within EMUOTC and the OTCs` across are also opportunities with sport, AT and activities and visits with the various units across the regular and reserve units of the wider army. Therefore, it’s clear why so many members of EMUOTC choose to pursue a regular or reserve career in the Army or Armed Forces as an officer or soldier.
The specific Mercian influence within EMUOTC was undoubtedly very strong in 2023. The second year and MOD
B Company (Alma Coy) was effectively and efficiently run by the OC Maj L Watts who had himself learned his trade as a Platoon Commander at EMUOTC and
2Lt O Hitch of D Coy, 4 Mercian in the “Wish Stream” on exercise at RMAS- Jul 23
2Lt Christian Saunders of C (Kohima) Coy,
4 Mercian with his Bronze Cambrian Patrol medal which
he achieved as part of EMUOTC`s Patrol team - Oct 23
we hope will carry on into 2024 and convince more OCdts to join 4 MERCIAN. It has also persuaded various EMUOTC alumni to join the various Companies of 4 MERCIAN as soldiers. Furthermore, the first year Company of OCdts (Badajoz Company) is sometimes joined by CSgt A Leverton from C (Kohima) Coy, 4 MERCIAN who has proved to be highly useful in the training effectiveness for first year cadets.
The long-lasting connection and partnership between 4 MERCIAN and EMUOTC is something that will not only continue into 2024 but for the foreseeable future.
evening immediately
before the Crich 100
Pilgrimage on Sunday, 2
July 2023, which they also attended. Whilst Crich is always poignant and moving, Crich 100 was especially poignant and moving.
In October, 2023, a small cohort of MERCIAN Officers attended, as personal guests of the Bowyers, The Bowyers’ annual Agincourt Banquet in the wonderful Tallow Chandlers’ Hall, not only to enjoy an evening of hospitality Bowyers’-style but also to hear wise words from the Principal Guest and Speaker, former CDS, General the Lord Houghton of Richmond.
Over the past 50 years, The
Worshipful Company of Bowyers has forged ever stronger links – originally with the Worcestershire and Sherwood Forester Regiment but, since its formation in 2007
- with the whole Mercian Regiment and, happily, the relationship continues to grow ever deeper and flourish. The Company sends all members of the Regiment, their families and the wider Regimental Family its very best wishes for 2024. As ever: STAND FIRM, STRIKE HARD!
You can find out more about the Bowyers by visiting
then subsequently 4 MERCIAN. Following
in Maj Watts footsteps of transferring to
4 MERCIAN from EMUOTC and vice versa,
is 2Lt O Hitch and 2Lt C Saunders who commissioned from RMAS in July 2023, following two years at EMUOTC. 2Lt O Hitch has since taken on the role of Machine Guns` Platoon Commander with D Coy and 2Lt C Saunders has taken on the role of Assault Pioneers` Platoon Commander with C Coy. There have also been multiple opportunities throughout the year for OCdts to participate in 4 MERCIAN exercises, which in turn had sueded 2Lt O Hitch and 2Lt C Saunders to join 4 MERCIAN. This is a tradition in which
  The Worshipful Company of Bowyers
The Worshipful Company of Bowyers is one of the oldest – formed at the latest by 1363 A.D. – and smallest of the City of London’s 111 Livery Companies. The Company was formed originally in the 14th Century to regulate the artisan craft of the making of the great yew war-bow as a predominant weapon of war, used to great effect and victory by English Bowmen in many Battles of the Hundred Years, especially at the Battles Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt, which resound down the centuries. Indeed, the motto on the Bowyers Crest is “Crécy, Poitiers, Agincourt”. Of course, the long- bow fell out of use as a military weapon in the 16th Century but the Company survived, and whilst the Company still protects its piece of Hundred Years War history and provenance and maintains its place, as a Livery Company, in the Civic Life of the City of London, it also later formed a Charity, dedicated to good causes.
The Worshipful Company of Bowyers, ever proud of its formal affiliation with the Mercian Regiment, supports the superb work of the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Charity (MRBC) through the Bowyers’ Charitable Trust. The Trust chooses and maintains close-links with a range of worthwhile causes where it can make a real difference but with the MRBC as a major
one. As well as making donations to the MRBC, links with the Mercian Regiment continue to be fostered through attendance at Regimental events and reciprocal invitations to members of the Regiment to enjoy Bowyers’ Livery events in London.
Over the past year, in February, 2023 the Master (Nigel Heilpern), Renter Warden (Mark Elliott) and the Gallant and Learned Clerk (Lt Cdr Sarah Pearce RNR) were guests of CO 1 MERCIAN at a Regimental Boxing Night at Bulford, when 1 MERCIAN’s valiant and courageous boxers put up a good fight against those of 2 PARA, when the MERCIAN came back very strongly indeed against their PARA opponents in the last four heavier-weight bouts.
In May, 2023, the Company and
1 MERCIAN co-hosted a Simulated Game- Shooting Day and Lunch at Bisley with current and former Mercian and antecedent Regiment Officers and members of
the Company – very much enjoyed by all and the second annual such event. One for 2024, again, is already in concept-phase.
As a formal affiliation of the Regiment, the Master, Renter Warden and their partners were graciously invited by the Colonel-of-the Regiment to attend a special, and superb, Regimental Dinner Night at
the Council House in Nottingham on the

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