Page 60 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 60

                                Staffordshire & West Midlands ACF
Cdt RSM Harnaam Singh
Harnaam Singh, who turns 18 in January, tells us why he loves his role as Cdt RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major) since being appointed from B Company, Staffordshire and West Midlands (North Sector) ACF.
What was your first experience
of the Army Cadets like?
I joined in September 2018 as a Year 8 student and have never looked back, making the most of every detachment night and annual camp.
How did you become RSM?
It’s a small detachment, so within a year
or so I was moving into leadership roles while working through the ranks, via Lance Corporal to Sergeant Major. I now teach up to four instruction periods every week and assist with training weekends and high- profile events for the detachment, company and the county.
Do you need a lot of commitment
for a role like RSM?
It takes up a lot of time – it’s like a second life for me. I’m always there because it’s really important for me to see the cadets’ development and progression.
What do you aim to achieve?
I try to get involved and stuck in, doing everything from fieldcraft and expeditions to first aid weekends and even room inspections. No job is too small. During weekends I try to get to know the
cadets and build them up as a team. It’s important to understand that each cadet
is an individual. When I met the Deputy Commandant he set a great example to follow by spending ten minutes saying hello to everyone and building their trust.
Do cadets relate to you because
you’re a younger leader?
Some of the senior members might seem intimidating to younger cadets who can sometimes be more timid – I was pretty shy myself when I started out. The Army Cadets brought out my character, so I try to do the same for them. I aim to be personable and relatable.
Hopefully I’m also a role model for British Asian cadets. I’d like to think I help them see that it’s possible
to aim for senior positions. The demographic is very diverse in
my county, with cadets and senior leadership from different ethnic backgrounds, which is great to see.
What’s your favourite activity?
I enjoy fieldcraft and shooting. Recently with Waterloo Platoon, I assisted with 1 and 2 star training
exercises where we had to play the enemy. It involved a lot of creativity: we immersed ourselves in a scenario and tried to make it as realistic as possible while building
on individual skills. I was also selected to represent B Coy at the Regional Skill at Arms Meeting this year.
How do you combine the Army
Cadets with your studies?
Time management is important. I need to get things done, but I also need downtime. At school, I’m in Year 13 and doing my A levels with a view to studying mechanical engineering at university. My ultimate goal is to go to Sandhurst and join the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
Sometimes I’m at Army Cadets six
days a week so I need to be organised. Even for those cadets who don’t do as much as I do, time management is one of those transferable soft skills that you pick
up within Army Cadets. Others include discipline, loyalty, self-respect – things you sometimes find lacking in society. It’s helpful to acquire them within the Army Cadets as they are also
great values
to live your
life by.
  Four new Master Cadets for the County
Congratulations to Cadet RSM H Singh, Cadet SSgt A Carbonell, Cadet Sgt A Hardy and Cadet Sgt M Dennis for successfully passing their Master Cadet course. Attending and passing the course is indeed a remarkable achievement and testament to their dedication and hard work.
The opportunity to broaden their leadership skills and instructional responsibilities will undoubtedly benefit them in their future endeavours and contribute to their personal growth.
It’s impressive that all four cadets were able to secure a place on
this sought after course which
not only highlights their individual achievements but also reflects positively on the county’s investment in the development and recognition of its promising cadets.
Well done to all and we wish them continued success in their cadet careers.
 Left to right: Cdt Sgt A Hardy,
Cdt RSM H Singh, Cdt SSgt A Carbonell
 Cdt CSM M Dennis

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