Page 61 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
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                                  THE MERCIAN EAGLE
Museum of The Mercian Regiment (WFR Collection)
Jennifer Brookman-Moore. Curator
Museum Gallery in Nottingham Castle
Since our last article much has changed; Nottingham Castle Trust unexpectedly went into administration in November 2022 which meant the closure of our museum gallery. Nottingham City Council took back over the running of the site and Nottingham Castle reopened to the public in June 2023.
I have been busy creating the Crich 100 display which went on display in the Castle gallery over the summer. Other changes to the museum gallery now include a set of medal drawers which now house some of the more unusual medals from the museum’s collection. These include temperance medals, sports medals, sports shields, a selection of the museum’s World War I Death Plaques and a selection of the museum’s miniature medals.
Finally, our gallantry case is now complete as we added a plinth at the start of the year which allows us to display items related to our Victoria Cross recipients and gallantry medals from the museum’s collection.
New Donations
We have received new donations over the past year, which include a World War I DCM group to WOII William Rice of the Sherwood Foresters. William came from Staverly in Derbyshire and joined the Sherwood Foresters in 1915 in the 12th (Pioneer) Bn. Whilst a Sgt, William carried out the following action:
His citation reads: London Gazette 25.8.1917:
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty under very difficult circumstances. On two nights in succession, he took charge of his company after his officers had been wounded, withdrew them from the danger zone, and returned with volunteers and successfully removed all the wounded. Throughout these two nights he kept his men together by his great coolness and cheerful demeanour.
After the end of the War he joined the Regiment in 1922, where he reached the rank of Warrant Officer.
Another interesting donation is that of photograph albums from the family of Lt Neville Thompson. Lt Thompson served with the 2nd
Bn during their time in India in the 1920s before transferring to the RAF in 1929. The 2nd Bn had been posted overseas since 1919, and would not return home until 1938, and found itself in British ruled India in the 1920s.
A final interesting donation is a 33’’ LP of Regimental Marches from lost Regiments, included is, of course, Young May Moon from the Sherwood Foresters.
Other Projects
A major project which was started in 2022 and continues, is the digitization of our archive of personal documents. To date, 195 soldier’s files have been scanned, and we are still in the ‘C’s.’ Hopefully that gives you an idea of the mammoth task ahead.
We have also been publicising ways in which you can support us going forward, as the museum prepares itself to become self-sustainable once we lose our Grant in Aid from the MoD in 2030. Should you wish to find out how to help us, get in touch with myself at RHQ Mercian in Nottingham.
New additions to the Timeline room in the gallery in Nottingham Castle including the medals drawers
New additions to the Gallantry Case in the gallery, Nottingham Castle

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