Page 81 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 81

 Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association (MVRA)
Lt Col (Retd) Tony Angel TD. MVRA Regimental Secretary
2023 has seen the passing away of
our former President and Chairman
Lt Col Tony Scott MBE and also our
ex Regimental Secretary Lt Col Keith Jeavons TD. Keith was also one of the founding fathers of the MVRA. Both Tony and Keith were great supporters
of the MVRA and other regimental associations, they will be greatly missed.
The MVRA branches remain strong with many activities being held throughout the year. All branches continue to foster links with the antecedent associations they are affiliated with and also to the Mercian Regimental Association. The web site and the Facebook site continue to publicise our activities and ensure that all members are informed of our events. Each year the ex-officers the 1st and 2nd Bns of the Mercian Volunteers hold an annual dinner with the Eagle Dining Club. The club has 100 members and 25 sit down each year to discuss past events and our younger days.
MVRA annual service and
parade at the NMA
On 11 June 2023 the MVRA held their annual service and parade at the National Memorial Arboretum. Over
100 members and their families were in attendance and following the service we all sat down for a picnic on an extremely hot day. The Tenbury Town Band played throughout the service and then serenaded us while we ate.
Armed Forces Day 23
All branches supported Armed Forces Day 2023 in their local areas. Members of the Walsall and Kidderminster Branches supported the Armed Forces Day at Himley Hall. They erected a well-attended stall to raise money for the association, 15 members of the
two branches were in attendance and £400.00 was raised to support the association’s activities.
Stockport Armed Forces Day 23
Stockport held a large Armed Forces Day parade and display stands in the
center of the town. The Stockport branch MVRA Standard was paraded along with standards from the Cheshire Regiment Association and Mercian Regiment Association. The Mortar Platoon of 4 MERCIAN had a recruiting stand and members of the association were in attendance to recruit both serving and ex members of the armed forces into the association. The branch obtained several new members from the event.
                                THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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