Page 122 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 122

                                 Kirkham Branch
by John Gibson
A large contingent of members, family and friends travelled to take part in the Berlin/NI Reunion in the Regimental Club, Chester and meeting up with
past comrades, we had a good time. Our next port of call was a visit to the National Arboretum, near Lichfield. The whole memorial is magnificent and well worth a visit. Once you have been, it is a thing you will never forget, as there are over 16,000 names on the memorial.
Tommy Davies went on the Tranmere Branch organised Belgium trip and set everyone looking for the grave of his uncle, Reg Hughes, who was killed in the First World War and his family are very grateful to everyone who helped.
Branch members, families and friends got together at the Stables Hotel at Kirkham for the Christmas party which was very good and enjoyed by all. Tommy and his family thank you all.
Once again, following the AGM we have the same committee continuing their work for another year
Nantwich Branch
by Ray Stafford
The Branch continues to attract new members, and meetings are always well supported with much lively and good-humoured discussion, ably chaired by Harry Tomkinson. The suggestion by our branch secretary, Major Jim Salisbury, that all members be encouraged to meet at 7.30 (not 8pm) to socialise prior to the meeting, is working extremely well.
Branch members have attended many reunions, including Suez, East Cheshire, St Julien and of course the Mons Reunion. There was a charity dance held in the Crosville Club, organised by Vice-Chairman Brian Billington, which proved to be a great success. Members also enjoyed a most successful visit to the Royal Armouries in Leeds.
In early November we turned out
in force to cheer the boys and girls
of 1 MERCIAN (Cheshire) on the Homecoming March through Crewe; there was many a proud heart beating in the chests of old warriors that
day. On Remembrance Sunday, members attended the services in Crewe and Nantwich and also the “Airman’s Grave” situated to the rear of Shrewbridge Road in Nantwich.
A wreath was laid on behalf of the Cheshire Regiment at each location.
Yet again there was an excellent attendance at the pre-Christmas dinner, held at Ye Olde Manor in Crewe, organised under the direction of our Vice-Chairman, Brian Billington.
Macclesfield Branch by Andy Wood
For the last 25 years, notes such as these have been written by Frank Worrall who has now decided to retire as the Branch Scribe, so picking up the quill, and wondering what on earth made me volunteer, here I go...
Members of the Branch who attended the Mons Reunion this year reported that they enjoyed the day, especially seeing members of 1 MERCIAN marching
(Cheshire) and the Branch turned out in force to support them at their Homecoming Marches through Macclesfield and Congleton. After the march in Macclesfield, Colonel Scott and I were invited for lunch afterwards at the Town Hall where we
were able to meet up with some of the young soldiers. Sadly the weather was
and hearing about their exploits from Major Ronnie Goodwin.
Nothing can describe the pride we all have in the soldiers of 1 MERCIAN (Cheshire)
poor and this led to
a lower turnout than we would have liked. However, two days later in Congleton,
the sun shone on the parade while they stopped outside the Town Hall for the medal presentation. Frank Worrall and some
other members from
 Our friends at
Stockport Branch,
recently invited bowlers
from Macclesfield to
join them for the Bowls
Competition against
Birkenhead Branch.
In poor weather,
Dave Martin and I played and we won our doubles match; I went on to win my singles match. However, even with the undercover Macclesfield “ringers” Stockport still lost. Still, there’s always next year!
Congleton attended a party arranged by the council for the troops and those who supported them from the town.
On Sunday 13th February a good few members, along with eight of our comrades from Stockport, met at Capesthorne Hall for the second annual service, since it was re-introduced, after invitation from Colonel Sir William Bromley-Davenport. After the service around thirty of us met at the Flower Pot pub for lunch. Unfortunately Colonel Scott went missing after the service and was AWOL for a long time.
 We stood proud as we witnessed two great parades in our area with 1 MERCIAN Homecoming Marches in Macclesfield on 8th November and in Congleton where they also received their medals on the afternoon of 10th November.
Nothing can describe the pride we all have in the soldiers of 1 MERCIAN
 Sandbach & Middlewich Branch by Dave Beech
Our annual day trip took a full coach through the rain to, where else? Llandudno. Just after we arrived the rain stopped and we all had a really good time.
In August, Charles Sullivan (ex 2nd Battalion) reached the great age of ninety thereby qualifying for a CRA Christmas Hamper and following our monthly meeting, we held a
bit of a bash at the
Crown for him and
Roy Goodes, who
must wait another 10
years for his hamper.
Afghanistan during the summer.
On a lighter note our Christmas party
was a great success and was well attended by members and friends, we would like to thank Sam Machin once again for donating the hamper which raised well over £100.
Our Meeanee Ball was fairly well attended although we were fewer in
number from previous years, but we still had a good time.
At the AGM, we only had one change to the line up of officials; Mrs Debbie Cooper is now Treasurer, replacing Mrs Margaret Bailey who has kept our
finances in order for the last 13 years. Chester Race Day was well attended
by members from Sandbach; only one of our members got lost on the course and didn’t find the beer tent. (Len Davies was never any good at map reading.)
 One of our Founder
Members, In-
pensioner Laurence
Stubbs died at the
Royal Hospital,
Chelsea on 5th September. Six members from the branch travelled to Chelsea for his funeral. On Sunday 17th October we held a Memorial Service when those who were unable to attend his funeral service at the Royal Hospital could pay tribute.
Following the town’s Remembrance Day parade, members made their way to our memorial garden at the cemetery and we unveiled a small memorial slate to the twelve members of 1st Battalion Mercian (Cheshire) who lost their lives in
we would like to thank Sam Machin once again for donating the hamper which raised well over £100

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