Page 123 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 123

                                 Southern Region
by George Szwejkowski
We had a new event in our calendar this year. We saw the inaugural T20 Inter Services Cricket Tournament at Lords. The Royal Navy took the honour, beating the Army in the final; it proved to be an excellent day out and will be in our diaries for next year when hopefully the Army will prevail.
A number of us travelled north to Chester for the Mons Reunion, it was good to
see members of 1 MERCIAN (Cheshire) marching with the CRA and afterwards at lunch we were given an update of what was happening in Afghanistan by Major Ronnie Goodwin (the Younger).
It was a busy end to the year, with members present at the opening of the Field of Remembrance, followed by our annual visit to the Tower of London and then Remembrance Sunday, all within a few days of each other.
Ladies Dinner in Hyde Park Barracks and Trevor Taylor ensured that it was another spectacular success. The Regimental Corporal Major and his mother were our official guests; they are both from Chester and his mother is one of the flower ladies
at Chester Cathedral, so there is a strong connection. It is also worth mentioning that during the evening we raised over £800 for the Haig Housing Trust, an organisation that is doing sterling work to help re-house ex- Service personnel.
After over ten years of meetings at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea
an exceptional tour guide showing us both Chambers of The House and then took us to lunch on the terrace before taking us to watch the House of Commons in action.
Remembrance Sunday saw us a little thin on the ground, but we managed two ranks as we marched past the Cenotaph and it was so nice for a change to be in the first column to march. It was particularly good to have Thomas Jones
marching with us at
the age of 94. A great
effort and I am sure that
he deserved his lunch
and liquid refreshment
afterwards in the
In January we held
our AGM and it will come as no surprise that the usual suspects were re-elected to the Committee. It was also the last time
that we would be using the Royal Hospital, Chelsea as our meeting place, after over ten years of their excellent hospitality.
February saw our annual Meeanee
we have now made
the move to our new home in the WOs
and NCOs’ Mess,
Hyde Park Barracks, Knightsbridge. We were made most welcome and it was nice to have
the additional treat of a tray of sandwiches. Thank you to Trevor Taylor for organising the move, although we are still waiting for the MFO boxes to arrive!!!
At the invitation of Col Bob Stewart DSO MP, a small group of members enjoyed a visit to Parliament. Col Bob proved to be
 Remembrance Sunday saw us a little thin on the ground, but we managed two ranks
 South Wirral Branch by John Coldrick and Geoff Smith
A branch run fundraising day raised the princely sum of £ 6,682.84 which was donated to Help for Heroes. A big, big thanks must go to everyone who took part, those who made donations and all those people who turned up to support this very good cause.
The annual camping weekend at Black Rock Sands, Portmadoc saw a total of 90 members; families and friends enjoy a very hectic fun filled weekend. John Coldrick was the Master Chef and he was ably assisted by Sous-chef Tom Sherman and dining room orderlies were their respective wives with cookhouse fatigues been
taken on by willing volunteers (?!) from the campers. The shock of the weekend was when the Ladies team won the Tug-o-War Competition, but it is rumoured that the men were weakened by something they had drunk... Hero of the weekend was Branch Secretary Nigel Hunt who ran an air-rifle range for the children and kept them out of the adult’s hair for about 4 hours.
Following all this fun and frolics, we held a
Family Fun Day at the Shell Club and raised a little bit of money for the branch coffers.
A fairly quiet autumn led us to Christmas when we held our annual Christmas Dinner and Draw at Upton by Chester Royal British Legion club; a great night for which thanks must go to Nigel Hunt, the Branch Secretary.
Spring passed by quickly with us recovering from Christmas and looking forward to the Royal Wedding. We celebrated the event in style at Whitby Sports Club, entertainment was provided by the PERCIVAL Brothers (Billy and Graham), magic and jokes being the theme; a good night was had by all. A week later, we made a day of it at Chester Races, starting at our new home, The Phoenix Club for a late (wet) breakfast, before getting on our bus which Nigel had organised (thanks again).
Some of us attended the Blackpool Reunion and had a great time; thanks to the RHQ team for organising that, especially the warm sunny weather.
  Tranmere Branch
by Rusty Cooney
Hard working members Alan Rowe and Dave Mapley are preparing the annual Remembrance coach trip to Belgium, 8 other members were joining Stockport Branch members in Malta.
Once again we had a very successful and enjoyable Christmas Social. The talented all girl group was given a standing ovation; the prizes were top quality and the buffet was excellent.
The attendance at Race Day this year was good to see, and it was good to meet old friends and reminisce about service days gone by. It was especially good to see our lads from the 1st Battalion enjoying themselves and our hearty congratulations go to RSM Tony Blackshaw on his recent promotion. His Mum and Dad were in good form and it was a pleasure to see them looking so well. We appreciate the hard work by all those who gave their time and efforts to give us all a good day.
Two days later, me, my granddaughter Jodie, Majors Eddie Pickering and Mike Huntriss joined up for a sponsored walk to raise money for the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Fund. Despite the rain at the start of our 6 mile plus (Mike reckoned it was 7 mile) walk it was pleasant through the countryside and the last leg along the River Dee was in glorious sunshine. The event was very well organized
by the Chester Business Club with numerous stops on route for drinks and bacon butties etc...indeed at the end
on receiving our certificates we were offered Gin & Tonics: the lady’s face was a picture when I asked for a pint of bitter instead! Together, we raised about £800. Our sincere thanks to all of you who sponsored us.
A large contingent went to the Summer Reunion in Blackpool and had a great time, good food, great entertainment and good company; you can’t beat it. Our thanks to the organising committee.

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