Page 17 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 17

                                Rear Operations Group (ROG) by Captain RME Pye-Watson
  Casualty Barge Trip
The Rear Operations Group (ROG) is the new terminology for what has been known as the Rear Party of old. From the onset, the Battalion aimed to change the mind
set of past rear parties. Using the rear operations terminology instantly put those left behind from HERRICK 12 on a different footing – supporting operations and soldiers forward.
The decision was made before the Battalion deployed for the ROG to wear desert uniform; again this gave the soldiers on the ROG a constant reminder that they were not a rear party. This again aided the mindset of the soldiers, and focussed their
Day out
attention to support those out in theatre. The ROG became active as the
Battalion dispersed on pre-deployment leave, with Major Barney Barnbrook as Officer Commanding. The main focus in the first instance was to ensure that the Battalion deployed in good order; and
once deployed, to support the Battalion
in numerous ways – most notably by keeping the families of all those deployed, fully informed of what was happening out
in theatre through coffee mornings and welfare briefs led by the Unit Welfare Officer, Captain John Elms, and Maj Barnbrook.
The ROG was to also support and
manage any casualties that the Battalion sustained. Little did anyone know just how many there would be – this kept the ROG exceptionally busy, and Captain Elms hardly ever in Catterick.
After a short time Battle Casualty Replacements (BCRs) were being turned around on more or less a weekly basis. Soldiers were joining the ROG from the Infantry Training Centre Catterick (ITC(C)), conducting specific training for HERRICK and then deploying once needed. The Companies had left a number of soldiers behind for this role, but these were soon exhausted, and the new soldiers from ITC

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