Page 19 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 19

                                 CIS Platoon By Capt Andy Raven Upon return from HERRICK 12 and the
period of POTL CIS 1 MERCIAN reformed under Capt Dyson as Regimental Signals Officer and WO2 Owen as Regimental Signals Warrant Officer, following the support the platoon had given to the four deployed companies
done by the platoon to ensure that all of our equipment was sent away and prepared with the correct software prior to the June start. Everyone worked exceptionally hard during this time and their efforts were to be rewarded in due course.
instructors teaching the Battalion as a whole the basic functionality of both our HF and VHF man pack radios. It was great to see Cpl McNamara lead with this training which was supported well by the companies. Hopefully it has set the bench mark for continuation training and exposed some newer soldiers to CIS equipment that they would have been unfamiliar with.
Whilst the uplift was being undertaken, the post of Regimental Signals Warrant Officer was handed over from WO2 Owen to the newly promoted WO2 Jones.
WO2 Owen is thanked by all with CIS for everything he has done for the platoon
but also the Battalion as a whole, we wish him well in his new role working with the trials and development team in Warminster. WO2 Jones has a wealth of experience with the CIS Platoon, that is when he is
not playing football, but more importantly an enthusiasm for the job that is second to none. He is a good example for all of the soldiers in the Platoon of how their career
during the operational period. The focus
of the platoon at this stage was a period of reorganisation followed by some initial low level training for the Battalion as a whole. The RSDC posts were restructured to leave Cpl Power
The focus of the platoon at this stage was a period of reorganisation followed by some initial low level training
Following a Battalion manning meeting we were fortunate to be uplifted with personnel. All were welcomed but none more so than CSgt Graham McMillan who would join CIS to replace CSgt Pinches as CQMS following the completion of his short time with the Brigade
  with A Company, Cpl
Bull with B Company, LCpl Shanley with C Company and Cpl Hardman would replace Cpl Mcnamara in Recce platoon.
During the first few months of this year CIS provided three Infantry Signals Cadres (ISC). This course is aimed at Pte soldiers with very little signals training who need
this qualification to be upgraded to class one Pte soldiers, an important progression because it means more money for that individual. It is also an opportunity for those who will potentially become vocational signallers to be identified before attending further more advanced courses, both run in Battalion and externally at Warminster.
Change came to CIS in late March with Capt Raven taking over the post
of Regimental Signals Officer from Capt Dyson. Thankfully Capt Dyson moved but a short distance away to take over as the Battalion Intelligence Officer, meaning he has been on hand to offer advice and assistance where he could. We wish him well in this new role.
The focus from April forward switched firmly to the forthcoming BCIP 5.4 uplift. There was a great deal of preparation to be
Reconnaissance Force and an even shorter time with Recce platoon 1 MERCIAN. We also welcomed Cpl Cooper, LCpl Hogan, newly promoted LCpl Williams, Pte Ogana and Pte Traynor. These men bring a variety of different talents with them and they have all settled in well.
can progress right from joining as a Pte or LCpl then going through the structure before making it to the top job.
Going forward, the focus of the Platoon is to start building credible company signals detachments. We have several courses before the end of the year
which will take those individuals identified from the basic level to a position where they can be relied upon to provide good standards of communications advice or support with platoons and companies during MST next year and HERRICK 17.
The BCIP 5.4 uplift
went very well for
the Platoon and the
Battalion as a whole.
WO2 Owen, with the
whole platoon, had
completed a great deal
of preparation which
meant that the actual
uplift itself went by
without complications.
The initial courses included a two week Advanced Signaller Systems which taught our JNCOs the systems they would need
to know but also gave them the skills and knowledge to undertake cascade training later in the programme. Running alongside this were the Basic Signallers Course and
a number of COMBAT staff user courses. The last stages of the uplift involved our CIS
 WO2 Owen is thanked by all with CIS for everything he has done for the platoon but also the Battalion as a whole
 Unit Welfare Office by Capt Gough
 Having moved to the Welfare Office in Feb 2011 I feel the first thing I must do is thank Capt John Elms and his Team for their work during the Battalion’s deployment
to Afghanistan. The Welfare Team was split for a large part of the Tour with Cpl Dennis spending most of his time in Selly Oak Hospital with our
Headley Court. The Rear Operations Group should also be marked out as having done an outstanding job during the Battalion’s deployment.
There have been a number of changes within the Welfare Office since my arrival in February. Most notably is that of the
commitment and wish him well. So with
3 members staff either gone or leaving the next thing would be to welcome in Cpl Russ Draper who has joined us from Sp Coy.
Next year provides an ever familiar challenge of an operational tour; OP HERRICK 17. We will look to the experiences of the previous Welfare team to help us in best practice through this difficult time.
injured soldiers and their families. Colour Sergeant Griffiths kept his eye on Catterick Garrison looking after our families on the patch with the help
with 3 members staff either gone or leaving the next thing would be to welcome in Cpl Russ Draper who has joined us from Sp Coy
departure of Cpl Kenny Dennis who has now left the Army after 22 years service. We wish him all the best for the future. Unfortunately, the next to go will be Pte Colin McEvoy who leaves the Army in Feb next year. Again he will be missed by all and we wish him all the very best for the
UWO Staff
Capt V R Gough
Sgt Lambert Cpl Draper Pte McEvoy
Valerie Willis
 of the remainder of
the team. Finally, the
Welfare Officer kept his
hand in both locations
but spent a great deal of time with events that had been organised in the County to support the Battalion as well regular visits to
future. CSgt Griffiths has also moved on to new pastures and is currently CQMS HQ coy. Once again we thank him for his

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