Page 37 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 37

                                     Jeff Withers Lettuce plants
Wojtek Kuzniar’s Crokini tomato set up
   Peter Booker’s Sweetcorn
they were planted in their final positions in pots with a tomato plant watering ring on top – this method works well for him. Wojtek also sowed his Boston beetroot seed in a tray, all germinated well and he was planning to plant them out week commencing 9th May. The balance he is planning to sow direct.
Gareth Davies (Wrexham), Jeff Sutcliffe (Dumfries and Galloway) and Libby Archer (Suffolk) all received French Bean, “Modesto” and Mini Cucumber, “Party Time” seeds in their trial pack.
Gareth sowed his 1st tranche of French Beans on the 9th of April and 5 out of 6 germinated and were ready for planting out 7th/8th May. Gareth reported 100% germination with his 6 Cucumber seeds, and they were ready to go
of Iceberg lettuce “Glassica”. Jeff sowed
the seed on the 22nd of March, they germinated on the 27th March with an approx. 95% success rate. Jeff pricked out the lettuce on the 31st of March then potted
Gareth Davies’s French Beans
received Cherry Tomato seeds “Orange Paruche” and Sweetcorn. Peter reported that he has had mixed results with his Cherry Tomatoes, 6 out of 7 sown on the 22nd March in a propagator germinated in 6 days, but only two look as if they will be viable. His sweetcorn however resulted in 35 extremely strong healthy plants with 100% germination. Peter planned to plant out his sweet corn on the 7th/8th May.
I am sure you’ll agree that it’s great
to get an initial insight into some of our enthusiastic seed trialists results to date and look forward to hearing and seeing lots more throughout the growing season.
For your information, our DT Brown seed trialists were sadly dealt a delay due to DT Brown being affected with seed supply issues, however at the time of writing seed packets were winging their way across the country to our eagerly awaiting members.
 Vanessa Jone’s Tomatos
  out into his polytunnel week commencing the 9th of May.
Gareth reported 100% germination with his 6 Cucumber seeds
into 3-inch pots on April 18th. Jeff was planning to plant out his young lettuce on the 7th of May.
Libby advised three out of three “Party Time” mini cucumbers sown
on 21 April had come up and were all looking well, sown in individual pots in an unheated greenhouse. Libby had also sown four of the “Modesto” French
Jeff Sutcliffe reported
that his area has fluctuating
temperatures to contend
with, but his French
Beans were sown in his
greenhouse on the 17th of
April and germinated on
the 1st May. Jeff started off
his 7 x Cucumber seeds
in a heated propagator on
17th April, the 1st three 3 germinated on 26th April and all bar 1 were reported to be growing on well.
beans in the same conditions. Three had germinated, one within 9 days and all three were reported to be looking healthy.
Peter Booker (North Lincolnshire)
(smaller plants are the later sown trial plants)
 Jeff Withers (Somerset) received seeds
Simply Vegetables 37

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