Page 58 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 58
Southern Branch
Chairman’s Report
With this article being written at the beginning of May it is good to be able to report that I have attended my first two shows of the season and look forward to many more throughout the year. The Sussex DA had a stand and plant sale at the South of England Spring Fair at Ardingly over the weekend of the 23rd and 24th April which was a great success, especially as we did not attend in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID. Please see my report in the Sussex DA section.
The Hampshire DA were once again invited to the Gardeners World Spring Fair at Beaulieu on 29th and 30th April and 1st May, this being the second year of the event, and I travelled along the South Coast from Lewes to help out on the Friday, and a most enjoyable day it was, especially as Hants were awarded a Silver Merit for their efforts. I am sure that Ali Clarke will be providing a full report of the event for this edition.
With vegetables now in all stages of cultivation it is appropriate to once again mention the Southern Branch Fun Virtual Show 2022. Details were published in the last edition of SV, so this is a reminder to take photographs of your efforts over the next six weeks or so between 25th July and 4th September. A Schedule and entry form can be found on the NVS Website under the Events Section.
Whilst mentioning our Shows, I must also take the opportunity to mention
the Southern Branch Championships scheduled to be held as part of the
New Forest and Hampshire Show at Brockenhurst on the 26th, 27th and
28th July 2022 where this will be our
first appearance since holding the NVS National Championships at Brockenhurst in 2019 owing to COVID
of times, but thanks go to Keith Hine
who reset it and kept it going during the meeting. We also put up on a large screen a repeat of the Zoom meeting for the live attendees to see. The business of the day proceeded as expected with all existing Committee Members and Officers standing and being elected to the roles. One exception was our Treasurer Neil
restrictions. The Show Schedule is also available on the NVS Website under the Events Section, and all entries must be received by 20th July 2022, details are on the entry form.
We were a little uncertain if Zoom would work as part of a hybrid meeting, but these fears were soon allayed
Hope, who has stated his intention to stand down for a couple of years now. It looks like we may at
last have his replacement and Neil has agreed to continue until the end of July 2022 to allow that person to shadow him, and more importantly allow time to update the banking mandate with the new Treasurers name. I will advise the various DA’s and National Officers of the change in Treasurer once all has been finalised. Our speaker unfortunately
The Southern Branch
AGM was held at the
Thatchers Hotel in East
Horsley on Sunday,
13th March and whilst
attendance was not as
good as we expected we
did also use Zoom which
allowed members living
some distance from the
venue to attend and was very successful. We were a little uncertain if Zoom would work as part of a hybrid meeting, but these fears were soon allayed. One little hiccup was the fact that I did not take
had to cancel as he was unwell, so I agreed to give the beekeeping talk that I presented via Zoom to the NVS last year, unfortunately I downloaded to wrong file so it was an early bath for all.
Norman Dickinson
Southern Branch Chairman
off the Power Saving Mode for the video camera, which caused it cut out a couple
NVS Southern Branch Championships 2022
We look forward to welcoming Exhibitors from Monday 25th July and Visitors Tuesday 26th to Thursday
28th July to the 2022 Southern Branch Championships at the New Forest Showground, Brockenhurst, SO42 7QH.
Please be aware that traffic to the New Forest Show is generally heavy and can cause lengthy delays getting into the showground.
If you are staging exhibits on Tuesday morning, please leave PLENTY of time
to allow for traffic. Owing to the time pressures on judging and the need to open the show on time, we will be unable to
make concessions for late comers. Staging will finish at 8am prompt.
Staging is 5-10pm on Monday and 6-8am on Tuesday. Please be reminded the showground gates are closed from 10pm Monday until 6am Tuesday. Please remember to tick the box on the entry form to say which day you will be staging,
Exhibitors and their partners are cordially invited to a social evening on Tuesday 30th July from 6pm. Please ask for details at the show. The NVS vegetable section is in the Floral Marquee.
Exhibitors will be sent a ‘Purple Gate’ car pass. The Purple Gate is well sign
posted and brings you closest to the Floral Marquee. Once at the Purple Gate entrance, keep straight ahead and the tent is on the right. Park in the floral marquee car park adjacent to the tent.
Exhibitors wishing to collect their entries on Thursday can gain entry to the show after 4pm without the need for a ticket.
We look forward to welcoming you all back to the Showground and wish all exhibitors the very best of luck in the show. Alison Clarke
Show Secretary – Southern Branch Championships 2022
58 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 50000 TO 59999