Page 59 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
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                                  Essex DA
We have started off 2022 well, after almost two years where we were unable to meet as a DA. At the time of writing, we have had our first three talks of the year.
Our first talk was one from Dr Peter Dawson from Tozer Seeds back in February. Peter, who we have known for many years, came and gave us a talk on the history of Tozer’s Seeds and his involvement with the company through the years.
Second up we had a talk from Jason Ralph-Smith from Autopot Watering Systems in March. I think I can say on behalf of all of our members that we all learnt a lot from Jason about how the Autopot system works, and there were definitely some members keen to try them out as a result of the talk.
Lastly for this quarter, we had Mick Poultney back to give us a talk on “A Year on the Plot”. As always, an interesting talk from Mick on what he gets up to on his plot over the course of a year.
We wanted to thank our speakers for giving us their Sunday afternoons and taking the time to come and talk to us.
Between the time of writing and receipt of the July issue of our SV magazine, we should also have had a talk from John and Coral Bebbington talk on “Grow your Onions” as well as our Essex DA
Mini Show (depending on whether the magazine arrives prior to 17 July or not!) More on those next time!
We still currently have a vacant Secretary position on our Essex DA committee. If anyone is interested in taking up this role, please get in touch.
For further information on Essex DA events, please contact Emily Plumb on or Sherie Plumb on 01621 741787.
     Surrey DA
The Surrey DA have had a busy year so far, at the AGM in March where all the committee were re-elected, followed by a talk on Gladioli by Trevor Fawcett, a very informative and interesting talk.
In April we held a meeting in Redhill with a talk by Jason Ralph-Smith on Growing in the Autopot system, Jason presented an informative talk explaining the benefits of growing in the Self watering system.
Unfortunately, the attendance was low and will be discussed at committee to see if we can do anything to increase attendance, any ideas or suggestions from members would be gratefully received.
We also visited the Autopot headquarters and viewed the grow
room where an array of wonderful plants were growing, I would encourage DAs
to arrange a visit as Jason is a wonderful host who would be delighted to show you around and advise on the Autopot system.
We attended the RHS Societies Weekend at Wisley representing the NVS and sold plants and vegetable cakes baked by Daphne. Thanks to everyone who helped over the weekend.
We now have our summer break and look forward to re starting with a talk in September.
Happy growing
Visit to Autopot
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