Page 46 - Doerr Dallas Sample Valuation
P. 46

 Desktop Valuation:-
We do not physically see the watch, so our report will show this.
1. Send us 3-4 good quality photographs of your watches both FRONT and BACK ... with a close up of the dial and back of the dial – photograph ideally on a white background.
2. We require the following:
a. Copiesofanyreceiptsorcertificates/warrantycard
b. Model&Serialnumbers
c. Date of purchase
d. Dialmeasurements
e. Photo of the original packaging if available
f. Your full name; address; contact number and email address
You will receive a Valuation document from Doerr Dallas Valuations in pdf form within 5-7 working days from the receipt of information. Our report will provide you with an up to date TRUE replacement value for the purpose of Insurance Replacement.
Our fee - £50 per Watch plus VAT @ 20%.
For a large Collection of Watches or Jewellery we would be pleased to offer you a home visit at a special rates to appraise in person and provide you with a clasps and a setting checks.
Send your information to: with your BROKERS Name as a reference. Many thanks.

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