Page 33 - RADC 2016
P. 33
This cemetery was remarkable due to its sheer size...
Cpl Robinson delivers her presentation on RADC Corps History Group photo at the entrance of the Menin Gate
it was extremely interesting to delve into
the history of the place. As an example we visited the grave of Nelly Spindler who was part of, as it was called then, the Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service. This was the location for SSgt Gaff and Sgt Burke to present their stand on how women in the military assisted the war effort during WW1 and how their roles in the military
have evolved since and should there be any conditions to women ghting in combat, which was interesting / topical stand and one which stirred some debate.
Following a delicious dinner in Ypres, Capt Watson, LCpl Alexander and I had the privilege to take
part in the last post
and wreath laying
ceremony at the Menin Gate. Despite our nerves, everything went smoothly, and we all felt extraordinarily proud to have taken part in such a prestigious event. Afterwards we had a few pictures taken with the buglers and the lovely people of the paci c island
of Niue, who also happened to be visiting the gate that night. We were then off back to SHAPE and after a long day we were all extremely tired, and ready for a good night’s sleep.
We would like to thank Maj Porter, WO1 Buckley and Cpl Romain for taking the time to organise this amazing event. It was extremely enjoyable and we would strongly
advise anyone to participate in any future Battle eld Tours.