Page 31 - RADC 2016
P. 31

Capt Bassi showing they don’t like it up them
Maj Porter, who gave us a run through of the Battle eld Tour, to enable us to be as organised as possible for the day ahead.
We then enjoyed some tasty scoff at the UK mess in SHAPE, and I think it was agreed by all that the food there was fantastic.
After some well-earned rest we met bright and early on Monday morning ready to set off on our drive to Ypres. Upon arrival, we were met by our tour guide WO1 Buckley and the team from the UK consisting of Col (Rtd) Anderson, Col (Rtd) Mannering, Maj
Capt Watson delivering his presentation on the relevance of Military Dentistry
(Rtd) Sharp, and ex-RADC Warrant Of cer Paul Armstrong.
We started the Battle eld Tour at Essex Farm Cemetery where we saw a well preserved Advanced Dressing Station and WO1 Buckley described how it would have operated. This was also the site where Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae was inspired by the sight of poppies growing in battle-scarred  elds to write a now famous poem called ‘In Flanders Fields’. Here the  rst stand was delivered by LCpl Ward and
Capt Watson who gave their presentation on  ghting power, and how medical and dental personnel maintained  ghting power of the British Armed Forces during WWI, how they continue to do so today and will do in the future.
Our next stop was at the Yorkshire Trench where we learnt about, trench warfare, the living conditions and the construction of a trench system. This was followed by the second presentation of the day, given by Capt Bassi and Sgt Phillips on the realities

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